‘Paranormal Activity’ Movie Thrillingly Spooked With A Great Twist

‘Paranormal Activity’ Movie Thrillingly Spooked With A Great Twist

paranormal activity movie poster image

“Paranormal Activity” movie thrillingly spooked with a great twist at the end. It was very interesting. Paramount Pictures released this drama/supernatural thriller movie, nationwide last weekend,and I totally missed the debut. I don’t know how that happened because this film was awesome and very interesting. It stars: Katie Featherston, Micah Sloat, Mark Friedrichs, Amber Armstrong, and Ashley Palmer.

“Paranormal Activity,” was shot in documentary style and focused on a middle class couple, Katie and Micah who have moved in together. However, Katie has a spiritual being that has followed her everywhere she goes her whole life,and now it’s haunting her and Micah.

Micah sets up a video camera to record what goes on when they sleep at night. They capture doors slamming,footstep sounds,lights turning on, and all sorts of other weird paranormal phenomena that just gets progressively more intense as the film rolled on.

They call up a psychic,but he tells them he can’t help them because he doesn’t specialize in demons. He refers them to a demonologist who’s away, out of town at the moment,but should be back in a few days.

Unfortunately, a few days proved to be too long for this couple,as this demonic being quit playing games and got down to business by used one of the two,to make this story end tragically with one hell of a twist,so to speak.

Overall, I thought the movie was excellent. It was very spooky and never elicited a moment of disinterest from me. The plot and build up from low intensity haunting, to full blown pulling and dragging people out of bed,was great. “Paranormal Activity” was definitely a very unique and interesting way to make a horror film.

Grade: A

Get your “Paranormal Activity” movie tickets at Fandango by Clicking Here .

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