Top Movie Critics Gave New ‘Splice’ Movie Really Good Reviews

Top Movie Critics Gave New ‘Splice’ Movie Really Good Reviews

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Top movie critics gave new ‘Splice’ movie really good reviews. Warner Bros. Pictures released their new sci-fi/thriller flick “Splice” in theaters today,an it it got some really good reviews from top movie critics,getting nothing but As and Bs across the board. It stars: Adrien Brody, Sarah Polley, and Delphine Chaneac.

Wesley Morris at the Boston Globe gave it a B rating. He said, “The movie begins to run out of gas as it racks up a body count, but even the mad-scientist and I-created-a-monster clichés are contorted satisfyingly enough.”

Roger Ebert over at the Chicago Sun-Times gave it another B. He stated, “it’s well done, and intriguing.” Michael Phillips at the Chicago Tribune gave it a B. He said, it was “eccentric and crafty.”

Lisa Schwarzbaum from Entertainment Weekly gave it a real good A-. She stated, “a cheeky, great-looking, thoughtfully loopy creature feature about the lure and dangers of cutting-edge gene splicing.”

John DeFore at the Hollywood Reporter gave it a B. He said, it “should satisfy the Friday-night crowd without alienating too many viewers.” James Berardinelli at Reelviews gave it a B- rating. He said, it was “a little too hit-or-miss to truly work.” “Splice” movie is in theaters now. Get your “Splice ” movie tickets at Fandango by Clicking Here.
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1 Response

  1. I think what makes this movie different from other horror movies is that it has more depth and focuses more on the psychologically frightening and disturbing things.

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