New Avatar 2 Filming Details & More Revealed By Main Star Sam Worthington

New Avatar 2 Filming Details & More Revealed By Main Star Sam Worthington

New Avatar 2 filming details & more revealed by main star Sam Worthington. According to a new report from, Avatar, Jake Sully star, Sam Worthington, recently chatted it up with Ryan Fitzgerald and Michael Wipfli on their breakfast radio show in Australia, and revealed some new filming details for the 2nd installment of the Avatar franchise as well as the 3rd and 4th installments.

Sam told them that Avatar 2 is expected to now start filming in October 2014. A lot of the writing process for the second part of the ‘Avatar’ quadrilogy has already been completed by director, James Cameron. James is also currently engaged in a lot of pre-production preparation. Sam cryptically told them that Cameron was currently “building the ship to Pandora.”

Lastly, Sam revealed that as soon as they complete Avatar 2 filming, they are going to quickly start filming Avatar 3 and 4 in their entirety within a year of the beginning of the production. Avatar 2 is set for a December 2016 release date with the 3rd installment, releasing in December 2018. Stay tuned. Also, get your favorite Movie stuff, and more by Clicking Here.

Derek Smith
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