Big Brother 19 POV Winner Revealed For August 5th. Plus Another Jessica Mini Fight

Yesterday, August 5,2017, the Big Brother 19 house guests competed for the Power Of Veto. Alex, Christmas, Elena, Jessica, Josh and Mark were the only ones who got to play in it. Kevin was selected to host it. Here’s the kicker. Apparently, Cody would’ve gotten to play in it, but Christmas elected to finally use her power that she acquired a few weeks back. This power gave her the ability to cancel out a selected player and replace them with herself.
As you can imagine, Jessica was quite livid by this action. We’ll get that later on this article because that’s what the whole mini fight was about. The winner of the POV was Mark. Yep, big Mark pulled it out.
Afterwards, there was some conversations that went down where Mark was contemplating not using the veto because the house intends to vote Jess out anyways. However, he later told them that he will indeed use it to save himself. With that said, the current HOH Josh is planning to nominate Raven in Mark’s place.
Again, Jessica is the target but anything could happen in the next couple of days. However, it’s very likely that nothing will change because Jess has proven time and time again that she doesn’t know how to separate personal from game.
This brings us to this little mini fight that took place between Christmas and Jessica. It happened at around 2:24 pm Pacific time yesterday. Christmas tried to go talk to Jess in the bathroom area to try and tell her that her move to stop Cody from competing in the POV was not personal. It was just game.
Jess wasn’t having any of it. She immediately told Christmas that she has nothing to say to her. She also told Christmas she used her gift to attack her. From there, Christmas just finished off the conversation by telling her, “I like you as person. But in this game, you don’t know how to separate personal from game.” After that, Christmas just rolled off on her scooter with Jess shouting at her, “I don’t have personal relationships with people who are two-faced!”
To recap, Jessica, Mark and Elena are currently on the chopping block. Mark won the POV and will definitely be using it to pull himself off. Raven is expected to replace him during the renom as a pawn. The POV ceremony is expected to take place this Monday August 7,2017.
After it goes down, we’ll be able to officially confirm the final nominations. From there, we’ll see if anything shocking happens to shake things up before Thursday night. One other thing, Josh wants to pressure Mark not to use the veto because he doesn’t want to put anyone else on the block. We’ll see how that works out. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.