New Big Brother 19 Third Eviction Nominee Just Got Revealed For Today August 11th

Alright guys. That whack Temptation competition is still apart of the Big Brother 19 season. It resulted from Jessica accepting the special “stop eviction” power a few weeks back. The houseguests just got done playing it today August 11th. According to Big Brother Network, Mark won it again which means he will be safe from eviction this week.
However, on the more unfortunate side of things, Matt finished in last place. So, that means he will be a third nominee in this week’s eviction. Currently, the reigning HOH Alex has not revealed her eviction nominees yet. So, we’re still waiting to find out the other two people that will join Matt on the chopping block. Nominations are expected to happen at anytime now so we’ll definitely report when they’re finished.
The house’s main plan is to backdoor Cody this week. They successfully completed the first part of their plan by making sure Cody didn’t either win the Temptation competition or finish last in it. Finishing last would’ve guaranteed him a chance to play for veto as he would’ve automatically been on the chopping block as a third nominee instead of Matt.
Now, all they’ll have to do is hope and pray that Cody’s name isn’t somehow drawn to play for the Power of Veto tomorrow. That’ll obviously come down to just pure luck. If Cody’s name doesn’t get drawn or even if plays in POV and doesn’t win it, we can pretty much say goodbye to him on Thursday night.
However, if by some luck chance Cody does get drawn to play for veto and actually win it, the house will have to find someone else to evict. Originally, Mark was their definite plan B. Unfortunately for them, Mark won the Temptation comp to guarantee his safety.
We’re not sure who they’ll go after now if Cody happens to play and win veto. A pretty good guess could be Elena since everyone pretty much knows she and Mark are still hooking up late at night and possibly still working together.
We’re going to have to keep listening to more conversations and see what develops. Again, for now, the main goal is still to get Cody out: The Sequel.
The Power of Veto is expected to be played tomorrow August 12 sometime. Alex’s eviction nominations should take place later on tonight. We have no idea when. Sometimes they do it real late at night. So, we’ll just have to wait and see.
Also, Cody is looking real sad game-wise since his girl Jessica got voted out last night. Most of the time, he’s just sitting in his room all by his lonesome and actually reading the Bible. He definitely seems like he has the plague right now.
Alright, that’s the latest we have to report for now. Definitely stay tuned because more news is on the way. Be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.