New Big Brother 19 Final HOH Part 1 Winner Revealed Today, September 15th,2017

Hey Big Brother fans. We’re definitely at the final stages of this season 19 Big Brother journey. Kevin was finally sent packing in the LIVE eviction show last night. Then at some point after that, the remaining houseguests: Josh, Paul and Christmas battled it out in the first part of the final HOH competition.
The person who won this first part gets to go straight through to the third part while the other two have to battle it out in the second part to see who goes against winner of the first part.
With all that said, Paul won again to pull out the first round win. They cut out the feeds for over five long hours while they played this comp. So, we didn’t get to find out who won until around 12:25 am today, September 15,2017. What this means is that Paul will automatically advance to the third round.Christmas and Josh will compete in the second round to see who faces Paul in that last comp on finale night to claim the final HOH.
According to Big Brother Network, the houseguests mentioned that the first round comp only lasted about an hour. It was an endurance competition and Christmas actually came in second place over Josh. Christmas was advised about how she was able to land when she dropped from whatever platform they were on. Josh actually didn’t last long at all and dropped off early.
Based on previous seasons and the houeseguests’ conversations, it looks like the second round of the three part HOH will be played tomorrow, September 16th, 2017. Usually, the second round of this HOH has been a physical/mental challenge. It’s speculated that they might change it up this year to accomodate Christmas’ broken foot condition. That way they avoid the competition turning out to be a total flop.
Let’s go over some of the conversations that took place after the live feeds came back on. At around 12:25 am, the feeds came back on and it was revealed that Paul did indeed win the first round of the final three part HOH.
At around 12:30 am, the houseguests talked about the competition. They were covered in glitter and were trying to pick it out of their eyes. They talked about the comp featuring unicorns that farted glitter dust all of the time. Josh talked about how he fell first and missed out on the later parts that changed up in the competition.
At around 12:35 am, Josh and Christmas had a conversation and mentioned that the second round of the final HOH will take place tomorrow, September 16th. Josh talked about how Christmas was told to land a certain way with her legs when she decided to drop during the comp. She said, “I managed to avoid landing on my feet.”So, that sounds very impressive.
At around 12:55 am, Paul and Josh started whispering to each other about how Josh really needs to win the second round competition over Christmas so they can secure their final 2 spots. Josh said, “I think I can win it because I’m a quicker thinker than Christmas.” They planned to study for it later on.
At around 1:59 am, Paul talked alone to the cams. He talked about how he just needs to win one more competition and that he really needs Josh to win round two because he thinks Josh will take him to final two over Christmas if he were to win the final round three. (However, we’rehearing that Josh plans to cut Paul and take Christmas if he wins.)
Paul also said, “I’m still working on my final two speech but will practice it a lot so we’ll hear it then.” At around 2:05 am, Paul and Josh again talked about their promise to take each other to the final two.Josh said, “I don’t think Christmas will mind if we don’t take her.”
At around 4:20 am, Paul and Josh had another discussion. Josh asked Paul,”Are you going to keep running your yapper or have a little faith in me?” Paul said, I do have faith in you.” Josh asked Paul, “Has Christmas asked you about taking her.”
Both of them said that Christmas hasn’t tried to ask either of them about taking her to the end. Paul told Josh, ” Don’t listen to her if her tune changes and she tries to convince you of other plans.”
Alright, that wrapped up most of the conversations that took place before the houseguests went to sleep. Just to recap, the final three houseguests: Paul, Christmas and Josh are now competing in the final three part HOH. Paul won the first round last night in an endurance challenge which automatically sent him to the third round.
That means Christmas and Josh will battle it out in the second round. The winner of that will battle it out with Paul in the third round. The winner of it will claim the final HOH of the season and select who they want to bring with them to the final two.
Paul really wants Josh to win against Christmas because he thinks that will guarantee him a final two spot since Josh has been telling him he will take him. However,Josh really has other plans in mind which is to take Christmas if he wins.
So, if Josh does win the final HOH, we might end up seeing the biggest blindside to date in the huge finale episode. Right now, we’ve just got to see who will win this second round. It’s reported that it will take place sometime tomorrow, September 16th. We’ll certainly let you guys know who wins it. Things will get real interesting if Christmas somehow pulls it out. We’ll see.
Also, just another reminder. CBS will be airing a special episode of Big Brother tonight, September 15,2017 at 7pm central standard time on CBS. We’re guessing that it will most likely show footage of the first round HOH competition we just discussed in this article along with some various conversations.
Also, according to the TV Guide listings for this Sunday night, September 17,2017, CBS will not be airing a new episode of Big Brother on that night. Instead, they’re going to be covering the 2017 69th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards.
So, be sure to mark that down on your Big Brother TV show calendars and make other plans if you don’t want to watch the Emmy Awards. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.