The Upcoming Celebrity Big Brother Caused A Problem For Host Julie Chen

According to a new report from the folks over at The Hollywood Reporter, the host of CBS’ hit summer reality show “Big Brother” Julie Chen (above) has encountered and issue when it comes to the new celebrity edition that’s scheduled to get introduced this winter 2018.
Apparently, the problem will hit her checkbook. They’re saying that her husband and CBS chief Leslie Moonves has forced her to take a pay cut to make this Celebrity Big Brother edition happen.
It’s reported that Moonves is making her take a pay cut because the celebrity season will be much shorter than the regular season. We’re guessing that it might also have to do with the fact that they’ll have to pay celebrities a lot more money to do it than they would people of a non-celebrity status.
So, that money has to come out of somewhere and it’s coming out of Julie’s pay check. Is she upset about it? Probably not but we can’t confirm or deny it since she hasn’t commented on whether or not she is.
She has talked about it though. The Hollywood Reporter said she let it slip that Moonves actually strong-armed her into taking the pay cut! Apparently, he told her to tell her lawyer that this is not a negotiation and you’re just going to have to accept it. They say she was laughing when she told them this. So, it sounds like it was in a serious but light hearted manner. Julie also doesn’t seem to be mad about it since she was laughing and everything.
She told them, “If you know one thing about my husband, it has to make economic sense. He comes home for dinner and says in a very Godfather, mafioso-style, ‘Jules, you tell your lawyer this is not a negotiation. This is what the deal is and you’re going to accept it.’
And I said, ‘Is that the way you speak to your wife?'” Then she laughed before saying, “He said, ‘You tell your attorney this is not a game we’re playing. Everyone’s taking a haircut. This is the only way it will make sense financially. You shouldn’t be expected to be paid as if it’s a full series. It’s a condensed version.'”
After that, they pointed out something very interesting. Apparently, Julie Chen’s lawyer is Moonves’ brother Jon Moonves. So, that certainly would have been interesting if Julie really had a problem with the pay cut.The Hollywood Reporter went on to explain that since the season is shorter, less time will be required for both Julie and the celebrity houseguests.
The schedule for CBS’ Celebrity Big Brother hasn’t officially been announced yet. However, they did confirm that it will feature the 24/7 LIVE feeds. So, we’ll get to see the celebrities in action around the clock when this is going on. It should be interesting depending on who they can get to do it.
Julie has revealed that her dream celebrity cast would include Sean Spicer, Melissa McCarthy, Martha Stewart, Snoop Dogg, Tonya Harding and superfan Andy Cohen.
As previously reported, The Hollywood Reporter was able to get an interview with Julie Chen and the producers Allison Grodner and Rich Meehan right after Julie announced it during the September 7,2017 LIVE Double Eviction show.
During that interview, Julie revealed that the idea had been brewing since season 2 but it just never came together. They’re actually glad it didn’t happen that early on.
Meehan told them the celebrity edition will include the HOH, Veto and live evictions. He stated, “We’re going to keep what makes the show work including the HoH and Veto competitions and the live evictions. The challenge will be turning it into an event that feels special for the winter.”
Grodner said, “It’s important that it still feels like Big Brother, but it doesn’t infringe on what we all know about the summer. It will have its own spin. And it needs to feel like an event series that we do each year.”
Julie pointed out that the casting will be very important and she hopes they can get some household names to do it stating, “The magic is always in the casting. It’s the same thing whether you’re a celebrity or not a celebrity. Houseguest Cody Nickson this year is an example of someone who was on the cusp that certain people were fighting for to cast and other people wanted someone else. It’s going to be the same game. The concept is going to be the same. Hopefully, it will be household names.”
Meehan said they want to find some fun celebrities and that they’re currently creating a big list. He told them, “We’re just starting discussions and we’re looking for people who are going to be fun. Maybe there are some celebrity fans of the show that we’ll mix in there. We’re going to create a big list and go out and see who we can get.”
Grodner added to that stating, “It will be an eclectic group with diverse personalities and we’re looking forward to seeing who will be interested.”
Hopefully, we’ll get some casting leaks for this new celebrity edition in the coming weeks and months. We’ll definitely keep you guys informed on anything we find out. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.