New ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Season 14 Important Amelia Information Revealed By Head Writer

Recently, the folks over at TV Line got to chat up Grey’s Anatomy’s head writer Krista Vernoff. During this particular interview, they started talking about Owen and Teddy’s kiss. And of course, that led them to talking about poor Amelia who’s going through a really tough time right now after learning about her devastating brain tumor!
Vernoff did reveal some very important information regarding Amelia’s condition, and it does give us a more positive outlook on her future. At one point, TV Line asked Vernoff, “Will we finally get to see Amelia smile again? Vernoff answered, “Yes, 100 percent, you will.”
So, not giving too much away, Vernoff confirmed that there are good times ahead for Amelia. We don’t know if the tumor will be fatal. Vernoff made sure not mention anything about that. Right now, we just know that there will be some sort of good times ahead for Amelia. The big question that looms right now is when will we see these good times?
We can positively say that we won’t see them in this upcoming third episode. A brief preview from ABC revealed that Amelia will currently be trying to hide her condition. There’s a scene where she’ll tell character Andrew Deluca to keep his mouth shut about it. Amelia will also have a big confrontation scene. So, that’ll be very interesting and emotional.
Vernoff also explained the possible reasons Owen had for kissing Teddy. She thinks there was a mixture of Owen being really upset about the current state of his marriage to Amelia and an actual desire for Teddy.
She stated, “Teddy and Owen have been longing for each other since we first met Teddy. And we played that. The two of them have talked about this in the past, and then they went on to have great loves with other people. Owen has always since the beginning of Teddy knowing him been with someone else, and she just loves him. So, I think his kiss is driven both by his desire for Teddy that is undeniable and the fact that he’s been so totally rejected by his wife. It’s a combo platter.”
They also talked about Amelia’s recent erratic behavior, and Vernoff confirmed that it’s safe to assume that it’s due to the tumor. TV Line asked her, “Is it safe to assume that Amelia’s brain tumor has been the cause of some of her more erratic behavior?”
Vernoff replied with, “That is indeed safe to assume. And you can look forward to the story delving into the complexity of what it is to have a marriage in crisis and then find out there’s this illness, and then potentially know that the illness caused the crisis. Does that allow you to come back from the crisis?”
TV Line also asked Vernoff why she decided to get rid of Eliza Minnick’s character. Apparently, Vernoff wanted to get rid of a lot of the darkness the show was running on and bring more joy and humor to the storylines.
She stated, “I felt like the Minnick story had been told not necessarily in terms of Arizona but in terms of Eliza’s impact on the hospital and on Richard. One of my goals for this season was to eliminate some of the darkness and us-against-them dynamic and return to a more all-of-us-together-against-the-limitations-of-medicine feel.
There were a lot of people mad at each other and hurt by each other, and my goal was to bring in more joy and more light and more humor. I wanted Bailey and Richard side by side again. So, I made that decision due to Minnick’s overall impact on the hospital. I am aware that will be hard for the fans because there was also a romance there.”
From the comments we’ve seen on our Facebook page, a lot of fans really didn’t like Eliza’s character. So, it seems like a lot of people didn’t have a problem seeing her go.
Grey’s Anatomy airs every Thursday night at 7 pm central standard time on ABC. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Grey’s Anatomy Facebook page for more Grey’s Anatomy news by Clicking Here.