New ‘Once Upon A Time’ Season 7 Very Interesting Henry & Regina Information Revealed

New ‘Once Upon A Time’ Season 7 Very Interesting Henry & Regina Information Revealed

Recently, the folks over at Entertainment Weekly had another one of their Spoiler Room chat sessions where fans email their questions they have for their favorite show. One fan asked them about ABC’s hit drama “Once Upon A Time.” In particular, about the dynamic that Henry will have with Regina’s new Hyperion Heights identity Roni.

We found this information to be quite important because it turns out that these two characters will not know that they’re mother and son while under this new curse. However, they will still form some type of bond. Actor Andrew J. West who will be playing the grown up version of Henry told Entertainment Weekly that Henry will actually frequent the bar that Regina/Roni works at in Hyperion Heights.

Henry will discuss ideas with her and form a partnership because they will have the same goal in Hyperion Heights. Andrew West stated, “The bar that she works at becomes a bit of a haven for him and a bit of a home base for him when he’s in Hyperion Heights. She’s somebody that he can commiserate with and that he can bounce ideas off of. They develop a partnership because they both find that they have a common goal in Hyperion Heights.”

Entertainment Weekly are the ones who said Henry and Regina/Roni won’t know they’re mother and son stating, “While they don’t know that they’re mother and son. There’s a good joke about that in the premiere. That doesn’t mean they won’t form a bond.”

In related news, Henry will be crossing paths with a troubled Cinderella in this Friday night’s October 6th premiere episode. We’re also going to see Cinderella’s evil stepmother Lady Tremain in action. She will reportedly cause some major problems that will result in Henry having to make an extremely important choice. So, that sounds very interesting.

Additionally, actress Jennifer Morris aka Emma is scheduled to make her last appearance on the show in the season’s second episode which is titled, “A Pirate’s Life.” There were some promotional photos that recently came out featuring some of her scenes. They showed her interacting with Hook and grown up Henry. So, we know she’ll have some new scenes with those two.

The producers Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis confirmed that Emma’s new scenes will definitely not be flashbacks. Edward said, “What we’re not doing is a flashback story where we’re seeing stuff prior to or during the previous six seasons. We’re moving forward past the end of season 6 seeing what happened with Emma and Hook and how it relates to the events in Hyperion Heights. It’s an emotional curtain call.”

So, that’s another interesting storyline to look forward to this season. All in all, it sounds like this new season will provide a very complex set of new issues to unravel as this Hyperion Heights curse will reportedly be much harder to break than Regina’s original Storybrooke curse that the series started off with.

Again, the season 7 premiere episode 1 is set to air this Friday night, October 6,2017 at 7 pm central standard time on ABC. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Once Upon A Time Facebook page for more Once Upon A Time news by Clicking Here.

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