Big Brother Season 8 Winner Evel Dick Gave Valuable Advice To The New Season 20 Cast

Happy Tuesday fellow “Big Brother” fans. Unfortunately, we are still waiting to hear any new details for what the producers have cooked up for the latest 20th season. But in the meantime, former season 8 winner Evel Dick recently hopped on his Twitter account to offer up to the future houseguests some very solid advice on the type of mindframe they should have when entering the house.
He also gave them other tips on how to spot alliances, on how to handle your HOH reign, and what type of alliances you should immediately break up. The first piece of valuable advice Evel Dick shelled out is to just be your freaking self. Don’t try to be another Dr. Will, Dan, Janelle or whoever you idolize. He wrote, “Don’t try to be the next Dr. Will or Janelle or Dan or whoever…Be the first YOU that people who follow will want to be like.” You guys can view that tweet on Evele Dick’s official Twitter account by Clicking Here.
In the next tweet, Evel Dick talked about how the houseguests should handle their HOH reign, and just how they should think about the HOH in general. He basically said to not play your HOH like you’re going to be HOH forever. Also, you don’t need to be HOH to get out who you want.
The best players are the ones who can get the HOH to do all the dirty work for them. Evel Dick wrote, “If you are HOH, don’t think you’ll be there every other week. We hear this stupid sh@#t almost every season. You don’t need to be HOH to get who you want on the block and voted out, those are the best players.” You guys can view that tweet by Clicking Here.
After that, Evel Dick chimed in with a tweet that reveals how the houseguests can spot alliances after competition wins. In the same vein, he also explained how not to give your alliance away after comp wins. Basically, he said to look out for the people who celebrate the most for a certain person win they win. It can be a big reveal of an alliance because why would a person over-celebrate for someone they’re not in an alliance with?
Evel Dick wrote, “Be aware…Watch how people react, it’s very important. People will ALWAYS give away their alliances when someone wins HOH or POV, their reactions during an emotional high point in the game is all telling, use it to your advantage.” You guys can view that tweet by Clicking Here.
In the next tweet, Evel Dick talked about showmances. He basically advised that they should be gotten rid of immediately, and to also not get into one. It will only drag your game down. He also said any other close duos need to be broken up as quickly as possible because they will always vote as a unit which is very dangerous.
Evel Dick wrote,”Break up showmances, they are 2 people voting as one and always will be. They are a threat and need to be dealt with as soon as possible. Any close duo’s need to be broken up, don’t bullsh#@t yourself into thinking otherwise.” You guys can view that tweet by Clicking Here.
In related news, a couple of other past winners Steven Moses from season 17 and Josh Martinez from season 19 hopped on their official Twitter accounts to dish out a little advice to the new season 20 cast. There’s wasn’t as extensive as Evel Dick’s, but that’s to be expected.
Steven basically just said to not let the show define who you are writing, “It’s just a TV show in a parking lot. It will always be a thing you did, but it will never be who you are.” You guys can view his tweet on his official Twitter account by Clicking Here.
Josh Martinez basically said to enjoy everything about the experience, and to play as hard as you can. He wrote, “To all the #bb20 houseguest being sequestered these next few days. Enjoy this crazy ride, take it all in goes by really fast. Drop your ego, & remember to not count no one out everyone is a game player. Trust your gut & and play your heart out. Walk away with no regrets.” You guys can view that tweet on Josh’s official Twitter account by Clicking Here.
That sounds like some very reasonable advice. I definitely always enjoy hearing what Evel Dick has to say. He always keeps it 100 percent real. Hopefully, some of these new season 20 houseguests will read his tweets and take heed to them so we don’t get another lame season like last year’s season 19. Let’s cross our fingers guys. Let’s just cross our fingers until they break that season 20 is not another disappointment.
With that said, I’ll just go ahead and remind you guys that season 20 is still set to make its televised premiere on Wednesday night, June 27, 2018 at 7 pm central standard time on CBS. It will be a big two hour show.
The houseguests will actually enter the house a week before the televised premiere date. So, they will actually enter the house on June 20, 2018. Hopefully, around that time, we’ll see some new details pop up. We’re actually expecting new details anytime now. So, definitely stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.