New Big Brother Season 20 First Eviction Nominees Already Reportedly Leaked

Alright guys. So, as we previously reported, the new Big Brother season 20 houseguests already entered the house this past Wednesday night, June 20, 2018 (a full week before the televised premiere date). That means intense game play may have already begun. In our last report, we told you that the very first HOH has reportedly been leaked by a reliable source on Reddit. This source goes by the username “vegasforsure.”
According to the folks over at Big Brother Network, “vegasforsure” reported that Tyler Crispen won the first HOH. If you guys don’t know who he is, you can view his photo and full bio over on CBS’ site by Clicking Here.
In a new report, Big Brother Network is now saying that the same “vegasforsure” source has leaked out who the first nominees are for eviction! It’s reported that Tyler just decided to nominate the people who were first out in the HOH competition which was the country girl Sam Bledsoe and the former undercover cop Steve Arienta.
You guys can view a photo of Sam Bledsoe on CBS’ site by Clicking Here and a photo of Steve Arienta by Clicking Here.
According to CBS’ website, Steve Arienta is 40 years old from Parsippany, New Jersey. He currently resides in Wanaque, New Jersey. He’s a former undercover cop. In Steve’s interview with CBS, he told them the three best adjectives that describe him are: stubborn, competitive, and funny.
His strategy for winning Big Brother is nothing. He said,”I believe that anyone that goes into the game with a set strategy is set for failure. There is too many twists and turns. So, it’s hard to create one without knowing the players involved.” Steve thinks the most difficult part of living in the Big Brother house is: “Missing my family and missing work.”
As for Sam Bledsoe, she is 27 years old from Stuarts Draft, Virginia. She currently resides there as well. Her occupation is a “welder.” In her interview with CBS, she said the three best adjectives that describe her are: multifaceted, charming, and charismatic.
She said her strategy for winning Big Brother is: “I think I’m starting off with many natural advantages. My personality is perfectly suited for this social experiment. My strategy is to draw on my experience working in small-town restaurants. I’ll come in and genuinely be myself and just lay low until I have an exact reading on everyone.
I’m extremely perceptive and intuitive, a master of the “mirror” technique. I create a connection and genuine sense of security. As a hairdresser and bartender, I am an excellent listener. People just want to tell me everything for some reason, and I have a steel-trap memory. I don’t forget. I will “lay low,” at first, and just have fun!
As far as the competitions, I will do what I can to throw them but I want first HOH. I’m a natural leader and I want to establish myself as such and, from there, influence the other Houseguests by means of gentle persuasion and manipulation, which is another terrible talent of mine.
I will more than likely find several alliances but pick just one to take with me, and I will inevitably have to abuse them in some way to hide our bond from others. As the game progresses, I will have to keep making decisions on the fly, so I can’t say exactly how I’m going to win, just that I am going to win.”
She thinks the most difficult part of living in the Big Brother house is: “Using the bathroom.” Also, her life’s motto is to never give up.
Again guys, we must tell you that this nomination report is unofficial. It’s classified as a rumor from a very trusted source,but a rumor none the less. We won’t actually be 100 percent sure until both the two-part premiere episodes air this Wednesday and Thursday night. So, please keep that in mind.
With that said, it was also reported that no previous houseguests entered the house which is very great considering there was a rumor going around that four of them were going to. It’s also reported that no one was evicted on the first night. We’re happy about that as well.
What do you guys think about how things have played out so far based on what you know? Do you like it? Do you love it? Are you just not sure right now? Let us know in the Facebook comments. I will say I’m not sure right now. I need to see the show and the live feeds first. I did like Sam’s interview with Ika Wong from Big Brother Canada. She was hilarious and pretty intelligent. It seems like she could talk her way out of some pretty sticky situations, but we’ll see.
The 20th season of Big Brother is still scheduled to debut with a huge two-hour premiere episode this Wednesday night, June 27, 2018 at 7 pm central standard time on CBS. Part 2 of the premiere will air this Thursday night, June 28, 2018 at 8 pm central standard time. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.