Celebrity Big Brother February 3, 2022 Revealed Eviction Nominees & More (Recap)

Hey,”Celebrity Big Brother” fans. Tonight, February 3, 2022, another new episode of Celebrity Big Brother’s current season 3 did indeed air, and we got to find out who got nominated for eviction in the first round.
Tonight’s episode kicked off with Miesha telling the Diary Room aka the private cams, “I’m very happy with my HOH (Head Of Household) win. I don’t have a clear plan yet. I need to set myself up in the game as best as possible.”
Miesha started talking with Todrick and eventually got him to agree to be in an alliance with her and Lamar. Miesha also told Todrick, “I think we could make a great final 2.” Miesha told Lamar, “Us athletes need to stick together,” and he agreed.
Chris Kirkpatrick approached Todrick to be in an alliance with him. Chris told the private cams, “Todrick seems very trustworthy for now. We’re sort of in the same industry.”
Mirai also asked Todrick if he wanted be in an alliance with her, Cynthia and Teddi. Eventually, Shanna and Carson joined them and came up with the alliance name Formation. Todrick told the private cams, “I’m in an alliance with everyone except Chris Kattan and Todd because they’ve been sleep the whole time we’ve been here.”
They showed a funny segment featuring Chris Kattan complaining about Todd’s heavy snoring. Lamar told Todrick, “I was hoping my ex-wife Khloe was gonna be in Here. I miss her and her family dearly. I would do anything to make things up to her.” Shanna and Cynthia joined in the conversation. They liked how open Lamar was. They said they think he has a good heart.
Miesha pulled Chris Kirkpatrick aside for a conversation. She told him, “I need to get as many numbers on my side as possible.” Chris said, “I would have your back.” Eventually, Miesha asked Chris to join her, Todrick and Lamar’s alliance. Then, Miesha told Todrick, “Chris is our new alliance member. I would like to get rid of Teddi because I think she’s the most likely to backdoor me. She would be the perfect target.”
Next, it was time to open the Gala Gift box , which contained a blessing and a curse. The blessing was that someone is going to get safety for this week. They revealed that the Gala Gift contained a hat. The celebs had to pass this hat around. Whoever ended up with the hat last, got the one week of safety from eviction.
Miesha told the private cams, “I don’t want to give the hat to Teddi first, because I didn’t want to make it too obvious that she’s my target. So, I’m gave it to someone else who’s in on my plan.” Miesha gave it to Chris Kirkpatrick, but Chris didn’t give it to Teddi. That made Miesha a little disappointed.
At the end of this, Cynthia was the last one to get the hat So, she claimed the safety for the week. However, Miesha revealed that this Gala Gift twist does come with a curse, and “even if you’re not nominated, you could still be going home.” Miesha told the private cams, “This twist could totally mess up my game.”
Next, Miesha talked with Mirai and asked her to join their alliance.Then, she told Mirai all of her plans, which included putting Chris Kattan and Todd up as pawns for a backdoor play on Teddi. If that wasn’t enough, Miesha asked Mirai if she could possibly go up as a pawn. Mirai told the private cams, “I don’t want Teddi to go.”
Mirai immediately went and told Teddi every detail of Miesha’s plan to backdoor her. “She’s targeting you because you’re a threat” she said. Teddi told the private cams, “I’m not surprised Miesha wants me out.” Teddi told Mirai, “I’m not going to go kiss Miesha’s a%#s to try to stay.”
Todrick found out what Mirai did and told the private cams, “I don’t like that Mirai was willing to rat out the current HOH. That means she could do it to me. I have to tell Miesha. Not a good move, darling.”
Todrick told Miesha that Mirai ratted her plan out to Teddi. “I don’t think you should talk to anyone else,” he said. Miesha told the private cams, “Now, I have to change my plans.”
Teddi told the private cams, “I’m going to offer Miesha a deal.” Teddi told Miesha, “If you don’t put me up, I won’t put you up.” Miesha told the private cams, “I believe Teddi. So, this deal is very interesting to me.” From there, Miesha started contemplating possibly trying to get Mirai evicted.
Miesha had a talk with Carson and asked him to be a pawn. He reluctantly agreed after Miesha told him, “I don’t want you to go home, and I really don’t think you will.”
Finally, during the nomination ceremony, Miesha did indeed nominate Mirai and Carson for eviction. Miesha told them both, “I respect your game.” Mirai told the private cams, “I’m overwhelmed and wondering if I’m her real target.”
Teddi told the private cams, “I’m feeling good because I made this deal with Miesha. I just hope she was being honest.” How do you guys feel about Mirai and Carson getting nominated for eviction? Let us know in the comments section.
The next, new episode of Celebrity Big Brother season 3 is scheduled to air tomorrow night, February 4, 2022 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Celebrity Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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