Big Brother 20 Houseguest JC Moundix Reportedly Outraged Many Fans On The Live Feeds

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We’ve got our first dirt of the season coming from the folks over at . These houseguests need to be careful what they do in the house because the TMZ crew is always looking to find as much dirt as possible to get traffic to their website. It looks like they were quite successful with this crazy little guy JC Moundix.
Most of you should be familiar with him by now. He’s the little, short, gay guy with the heavy accent. He’s not officially a midget, but he’s about as close to one as you can possibly get. Anyways, here’s what TMZ is saying about him. They claim that he has really outraged a ton of Big Brother fans that are watching the live feeds. Apparently, JC has been doing a lot of inappropriate touching on both the female and male houseguests.
They say he was seen using an ice cream scooper on the genital area of several of the houseguests. TMZ posted video from the live feeds that featured JC trying to use the ice cream scooper on the private areas of fellow houseguests: Kaycee Clark, Kaitlyn Herman and Tyler Crispen. JC was telling them, “It feels good” in the video.
Later on, he was also seen touching Angela right on her private area while Kaleigh, Baleigh, Kaitlyn and Angie were watching. Baleigh was messaging Angela’s stomach. Then JC strolled in and said,”This is my kinda party! I wanna feel.” Then she just rubbed Angela’s private area.
However, the girls didn’t seem bothered by it. They just laughed hysterically. But again, a lot of the fans who are watching the live feeds are reportedly outraged by it ,and wonder why production doesn’t step in and do something about it.
Twitter user @Charlie_Bilder wrote, “#BB20 with video evidence of his inappropriate touching of females, how have producers not removed JC from the house/game?”
Twitter user @rebecahsizemore wrote, “I don’t know if you’ve been watching the feeds but JC has been touching houseguests inappropriately and production isn’t doing anything. Weren’t there any rules on that? It’s disgusting to watch.”
TMZ went on to say that many fans are calling out the producers for not reprimanding JC or kicking him out of the house. So, the backlash sounds pretty intense. You guys can view the video of JC doing the inappropriate stuff over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
In related news, TMZ ran another Big Brother report on houseguests Angela Rummans and Rachel Swindler. Apparently, they made some pretty questionable comments about race during one of their chit chat sessions on the live feeds.
It’s a bit of a reach by TMZ, but not totally unfounded. Apparently, Angela referred to having a darker skin tone as starting to look ghetto when they were suntanning. Rachel said if she gets darker, she was going to change effnicities or something to that effect,and that it would not be good for her.
Here’s exactly what was mentioned in the live feeds video. Rachel kicked off the conversation with, “My stomach is as dark as Bay’s (aka Baleigh Dayton who is the African American girl in the house). Angela said, “I know. I’m looking ghetto here with the skin coloration.”
Rachel said, “I can’t be in the sun for two days straight. I will change ethnicities. I mean I already have, basically. I can’t be changing ethnicities two days in a row. Two more days in a row in the sun, I will not be very good. It will not be good for me.” You guys can view Angela and Rachel’s racial comments video over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
What do you guys think of all this? Was JC too inappropriate? Do Rachel and Angela sound racist as hell in their video? Let us know in the Facebook comments. I personally think that Angela referring to darker skin color as being ghetto is definitely not a positive thing to say. Then Rachel saying that if she changed ethnicities, it would be a problem for her does not lend itself to a positive outlook either. These people definitely need to watch what they say.
As for JC, I think the girls just laughed him off because he’s gay, but I can certainly see them starting to get upset if he were to keep doing that kind of stuff. And if production doesn’t reprimand him for it, he probably will keep doing it. He’s pretty crazy and wild.
In other Big Brother news, we previously reported that houseguests Sam and Steve are currently on the chopping block. The POV was not used by the winner Faysal. So, Steve or Sam will definitely be walking out of the house this Thursday night. However, there is a twist. Sam has the special “power app” power which is supposed to give her a “chance” to re-enter the house. We’re going to have to wait and see how the logistics of that works out.
Alright guys. That wraps it up for this Big Brother report. As usual, you guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.
The next Big Brother episode is scheduled to air tomorrow night,July 4, 2018 at 8 pm central standard time on CBS. So, be sure to look out for that and stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.
” I can certainly see them starting to get upset if…”
Or maybe they think for themselves. So much concern trolling among viewers, manufacturing offenses. Context, individual relationships, and intent determine whether there’s anything inappropriate or not. Not viewers’ preconceptions.