New Big Brother Season 20 POV Ceremony Results Revealed For July 1, 2018

New Big Brother Season 20 POV Ceremony Results Revealed For July 1, 2018

Alright Big Brother fans. The POV Ceremony came a little bit earlier than we thought it would. It happened yesterday evening, July 1, 2018. The current eviction nominees are Steve and Sam. As previously reported, Faysal won the Power Of Veto. So, he was the man of the hour as everyone awaited to see if he would use it.

When everything was all said and done, the outcome was just as we suspected it would be. Faysal did not use the POV which means our final eviction nominees are indeed Sam and Steve. One of them will definitely be walking out of the house this Thursday night.

Sam does have that special “power app” power that’s supposed to give her a “chance” to return to the game, but we’re not sure about the logistics of it. Will they just let her walk back in? Or will she have to win a challenge? Those are the big questions surrounding that power. So, we’ll just have to wait and see.

After the POV ceremony completed, Steve told Faysal, “I’m ok with your decision to not save me, and I think that was the right thing to do.” So,that was quite noble of Steve. I’m not sure it will help him, but it was very noble. That cannot be denied.

Some other interesting conversations took place on the live feeds last night. Faysal really laid his romantic intentions for Haleigh on thick. A lot of plans to backdoor Swaggy C at the first moment of opportunity was discussed and more.

We’ll go ahead and start things off at around the 10:40 am Pacific time mark, July 1,2018. Angie and Haleigh were seen having a pretty interesting discussion about Kaitlyn’s jealousy of any of the girls flirting with Faysal. Apparently, Kaitlyn gets pissed off when other girls talk to him even though she has a boyfriend back home. Haleigh told Angie, “I think Kaitlyn is mad at me over Faysal, but she has a boyfriend back home so I think she shouldn’t be upset with me for flirting with Faysal.”

At around 11:20 am, Steve asked Winston, “Do I have your vote to stay?” Winston promised him he does, but he really doesn’t. So, Steve got heavily lied to during that verbal exchange. Welcome to Big Brother, Steve.

At around 11:45 am, Rachel told Sam to try to be more friendlier with Kaitlyn and Haleigh because she thinks it will help Sam’s game.

At around 12:45 pm, Swaggy C did his new edition of Swaggy C TV in the HOH room where he talks to the live feed viewers. He said he plans to wait until jury before he starts winning more comps, and he’ll trade off winning with Bayleigh and Faysal. He also said he’s worried that Haleigh might be flirting too much. Swaggy C also thinks no one knows about he and Bayleigh’s showmance yet which is definitely incorrect.

At around 1:10 pm, Faysal had a conversation with Bayleigh. He told her that Kaitlyn has been acting strange around him. He also told Bayleigh that if he won the next HOH, he would nominate Rachel and Winston, Angela and Winston or Angel and Rachel for eviction.

At around 3:05 pm, Sam talked with Tyler about her special power app power which gives her a chance to re-enter the game. She told Tyler, “I really want to keep it if I can. I want people to keep thinking JC has the power.”

Tyler told Sam,” I think Angie is definitely voting against you, and I think Haleigh probably will too, but you can try to work on her.” Sam said, “Kaitlyn talked to me like I was a pet dog, and I promise not to forget that.”

At around 3:55 pm, Swaggy C mentioned to Angie that he thinks Tyler definitely made the wrong move with his eviction nominations. At around 4:20 pm, JC told Angela that he’s not impressed with Tyler’s game play and thinks he’s weak.

At around 4:25 pm, Winston joined in on JC and Angela’s conversation. They talked about the votes to keep Sam. JC thinks they have at least six, but they need seven. After JC left, Winston and Angela said they like JC. However, they don’t want to reveal too much to him because he talks a lot.

At around 6:25 pm, Angela and Brett had an interesting conversation about JC. Angela started questioning if they can really trust JC. Brett told her, “I think we can definitely use him on our side.”

At around 8:30 pm, Angela was seen telling her alliance, “The next HOH should nominate Faysal and Bayleigh, and then backdoor Swaggy C.” So, she definitely still has it in for Swaggy C. He better hope Angela doesn’t win HOH. At one point, Tyler mentioned that the plan this week is to save Sam, and make sure Steve gets voted out.

At around 8:57 pm, Tyler told Haleigh, ” I think Brett has thing for you.” Haleigh replied with, “I think he likes Rachel.”

At around 10 pm, Tyler and Angie had a discussion about how they could possibly use Scottie on their side if they’re successful in getting Steve evicted this week.

At around 10:05 pm, Winston and Brett had an intriguing conversation about what they would do if they won the next HOH. Like Angela, they definitely want to target Swaggy C via a backdoor plan. If they can’t get Swaggy C out, they want to go for Faysal. So again, Swaggy C is definitely going to find himself in some heavy trouble if anyone from that Tyler alliance wins the next HOH.

At around 11 pm, Faysal told Swaggy C that he’s not interested in Kaitlyn romantically. He only likes her as a friend. Faysal continued to tell Swaggy C that he plans to ignore Haleigh, thinking it will get her to like him more.

Swaggy C told Faysal, “I plan to nominate Winston because he’s starting stories about me and Bayleigh.” Swaggy C also said he thinks the other side might vote to keep Sam. Meanwhile, Faysal doesn’t think they will.

At around 11:40 pm, Faysal decided to have a real intense conversation with Haleigh. He told her, “Kaitlyn is just a friend, and I have no feelings for her.” Haleigh replied with, “I don’t want to discuss it.” Faysal said, “I’ll talk with Kaitlyn.” Haleigh said, “There’s no reason to do that. If we’re a group of five, the two of us becoming a couple is a bad idea.”

Faysal said,”This cast was put together for a reason. We’re all here to win the money, but if I’m falling for you, I should let it happen.” Haleigh said, “We’ll be out of the game in a few months. Let’s wait 40-50 days and see how you feel.” Faysal said, “I think that’s too long. I can’t wait to take you out after the season.”

At around 1:15 am today, July 2, 2018, Bayleigh and Swaggy C discussed the Haleigh and Faysal situation. Apparently, they think Haleigh is just trying to make sure she’s in good with all the guys, and will basically flirt with any guys that’s in power that week. Bayleigh and Swaggy C ended their night with more make-out sessions.

Alright guys. That’s it for the significant live feed moments for July 1, 2018 and into the early morning hours of today. You guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.

How do you guys feel about the POV nominees Sam and Steve staying on the block? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? I personally don’t care if either one of them goes home. Actually, I’d prefer Steve to stay over Sam because Sam gets on my nerves with all the crying and whining BS. Anyways, stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.

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