Important Big Brother 20 Live Feed Updates For June 30, 2018 Revealed

Important Big Brother 20 Live Feed Updates For June 30, 2018 Revealed

Happy Sunday Big Brother fans. Some pretty interesting and seemingly important conversations took place on the live feeds last night, June 30, 2018 and into the early morning today, July 1, 2018. Lots of possible plans were discussed. Some people want to get rid of Sam this week while others want Steve out. There’s a constant back and forth conflict going on in the house right now. I don’t think we’re going to see a unanimous vote this Thursday night.

The first interesting conversation started at around 10:40 am Pacific time yesterday morning, June 30, 2018. It involved Kaycee and Tyler. They both agreed that they should try to get Steve voted out this week.

At around 12:27 pm, Scottie and Tyler engaged in a pretty interesting conversation about where Kaitlyn’s head is in the game. Scottie told Tyler, “Kaitlyn had said she’d vote to keep Steve, but I’m not sure what she’s doing now.” Scottie was also wondering about some plans he heard that involved Kaitlyn attempting to target him in the future.

At around 12:30 pm, Swaggy C expressed to Bayleigh if he ever gets puts up on the chopping block, he’s very confident America will vote for him to get the special power app award to get him out of trouble.

At around 12:45 pm, Faysal told Kaitlyn he plans to leave Tyler’s Sam and Steve eviction nominations the same if he wins the POV. An as we previously reported, Faysal did actually win it. So, it looks like Sam and Steve will definitely stay on the chopping block this entire week. However, it is speculated that Sam may have won that power app special power. So, we’ll just have to wait and see.

At around 1:10 pm, Kaycee and Angela had an interesting chit chat about what they want to happen to Swaggy C and Faysal. Angela told Kaycee,”I hope someone will get HOH and put up Swaggy C and Faysal together. Then alert the other side that they’re just being played as puppets by those two guys.” Kaycee was definitely in agreement and said she wants to get Swaggy C out as soon as possible. So, it sounds like Swaggy C could be in trouble if either one of them wins the next HOH.

At around 1:15 pm, little JC joined in on Angela and Kaycee’s discussion. He told them he feels like he’s been able to round up enough votes to keep Sam in the house over Steve.

At around 1:50 pm, Haleigh and Kaitlyn expressed to each other that they want to get Winston voted out as early as this week. However, they know Tyler wouldn’t nominate Winston as a replacement. They think it’s a weak move to send Sam home this week.

Haleigh said she would nominate Angela and Winston if she won the next HOH, and she would put up Brett or Rachel as a replacement nominee if Angela won POV. Kaitlyn and Haleigh also promised each other that they would stick together until the very end. I guess we’ll see how long that last.

At around 3 pm, Swaggy C and Faysal had a discussion about which side of the house they think is most popular with the viewing audience. Swaggy C said he’s sure it’s his side, but he also thinks Angela might be popular.

At around 5:45 pm, Rachel and Tyler got together to talk about where the votes currently stand. Rachel told Tyler, “JC is very confident about having the votes to keep Sam.” Tyler replied with, “JC doesn’t have Haleigh like he thinks he does.” After hearing that, Rachel got pretty frustrated with JC.

Later on at around 6:40 pm, Rachel complained to Kaycee about JC coming up short in helping their alliance. They agreed that JC needs to be very explicit about what votes he’s sure he has. They also agreed that they need to work fast to make sure Sam stays this week.

At around 6:45 pm, Angela tried to ask JC to join her alliance which consists of Kaitlyn and Haleigh. JC turned it down saying, “W need to see what happens with the HOH first.”

At around 7:55 pm, Rachel, Angela and Kaycee told Sam they’re working hard to get enough votes for her to stay. Rachel also told Sam to act sad and try to pull on the other houseguests’ heart strings to win their votes.

At around 8:05 pm, Angela told Sam, “The other side is very against you right now. So, you should work on apologizing to Kaitlyn.” Kaycee told Sam, “You can trust Tyler that he’s on your side in this.”

At around 8:40 pm, Sam and Kaitlyn had a discussion about the votes. Sam told her, “I just wish someone would give me something definite on whether I’m in danger.” Kaitlyn replied with,”We can’t yet because some people are still undecided. You should talk with me and Haleigh later because we’ve been trying to think of a plan. I promise I haven’t been campaigning against you.” Kaitlyn also told Sam that Faysal doesn’t want to use the POV.

At around 10:15 pm, Winston told his alliance: Brett, Rachel, Kaycee, Angela, and Tyler that Steve claims Scottie is playing both sides of the house, and Winston thinks it’s true.

At around 11:05 pm, Steve was going over the votes with Angie, and he thinks he has a very narrow 7-6 lead over Sam which has him worried.

At around 11:45 pm, Angie told Faysal and Steve that she thinks Brett has the special power app power. Faysal said he actually wants to target Angela for eviction.

At around 12:10 am today, July 1,2018, Haleigh told Tyler that Steve doesn’t trust Winston. She also said Steve told her about his plan to nominate Winston and Brett if he got HOH, and that he also wants to nominate Angela if Winston or Brett came down.

At around 1:40 am, Faysal and Kaitlyn both agreed that they trust Swaggy C. However, they feel like they may be winning too many competitions too early on in the season

At around 2:25 am, Bayleigh started tearing up again to Kaitlyn because she thinks she will be a replacement nominee if Sam or Steve come off the block. Both of them agreed that Angela should get targeted.

Alright guys. That was it for most of the important things that took place on the Big Brother season 20 live feeds yesterday. You guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.

Next up, we’re expecting the big POV ceremony to take place tomorrow, July 2, 2018 sometime. After that, we’ll know for sure if Sam and Steve are staying on the block this week. So, be sure to stay tuned for that big report. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.

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