New Big Brother Season 20 POV Ceremony Results Revealed For Today, August 13, 2018

Happy Monday “Big Brother” fans. We’re back at you with a brand new report from the Big Brother season 20 house. Earlier today, August 13, 2018 the Power Of Veto ceremony took place. And there were indeed some more switch-ups to the eviction nominees during it.
For those of you who aren’t up to speed, the reigning HOH Haleigh initially nominated Angela and Kaycee for eviction this week. But, of course, this season is filled with a bunch of nasty twists. So, Haleigh’s initial nominations didn’t stick for a second.
Kaycee ended up winning the Hacker Twist competition, and used the hacker power to take herself off the eviction chopping block, but it didn’t stop there. She also used her hacker power to nominate someone else for eviction. That unlucky person turned out to be Angie Rockstar.
So, after the hacker nomination twist, Angela and Angie Rockstar were left on the chopping block this past Friday night, August 10, 2018. Next up, came the Power Of Veto competition. It took place this past Saturday, August 11, 2018. The POV comp was the OTEV competition, and Tyler was the one who emerged the winner from it. But unfortunately, he had some help from Angie Rockstar to accomplish his latest POV feat.
It’s reported that in one of the rounds, Tyler actually had the wrong answer for OTEV, but Angie Rockstar was kind enough or stupid enough. We prefer stupid enough to point out to Tyler that he had the wrong answer. That allowed Tyler to have enough time to run back and get the correct answer which led to his eventual win of the competition.
That leads us to today’s Power Of Veto Ceremony. It was Tyler who was in the driver’s seat at this event. He did indeed use his veto to pull his L6 alliance member Angela off the eviction chopping block. So, Haleigh had to make a replacement nomination. She chose to throw the hacker Kaycee right back up on the chopping block.
So now, we’ve got Kaycee and Angie Rockstar as our final, two eviction nominees for this week, and one of them will definitely get evicted this Thursday night, August 16, 2018. Since Kaycee won the hacker power, she can use it to cancel out one of the votes during the LIVE eviction show. That means Angie Rock star will at least need enough votes to get it to a tie so Haleigh can send Kaycee home.
It’s going to be extra difficult since Kaycee will be canceling a vote. Right now, we think Angie has Faysal and Sam’s votes locked in. It’s highly possible that Scottie may vote to keep her as well. So, that leaves JC as the swing vote. It’s highly likely that he’s going to vote to keep Kaycee, but we’ll definitely have to wait and see how things play out with him.
JC will definitely have to pick sides this week because he won’t be able to hide behind anymore hinky votes. Each side is going to know he was the one who flipped if he doesn’t vote their way. So, it’s going to come down to which side JC thinks will benefit his game better. Again, it’s really looking like he wants to keep rolling with L6. So, we’ll have to wait and see.
Some semi-interesting conversations took place after today’s Power Of Veto Ceremony. At one point, Tyler told Angie Rockstar, “You have Haleigh to thank because I can’t work with someone that tried to target me the week before. I know it sucks, but I know you understand as well.”
Angie Rockstar talked with Kaycee alone at one point and told her,”I think Angela is entitled and always gets what she wants. The plan this week was to get Angela out. And now, that’s not going to happen.”
Kaycee said, “It sucks because I know I wasn’t the target because Haleigh told me that.” Angie said, “It sucks because Angela gets to stay and play the game, but one of us won’t be.” Angie also implied that she thinks she’s staying over Kaycee which may or may not be true. It’s most likely not true, but we’ll see.
Haleigh and Angie Rockstar revealed that they currently think they have Faysal, Sam, Scottie, Brett, and JC’s votes to keep Angie. But again, they don’t have Brett, and it’s highly likely that they don’t have JC’s vote either.
If they don’t get JC’s vote, Angie will definitely be saying goodbye to the Big Brother season 20 house this Thursday night. Haliegh said she thinks JC will vote to keep Angie because he doesn’t want to be the next easy pawn to go on the block. We’ll see if she’s right.
Alright guys. That’s all we got for you in this latest Big Brother season 20 report. Who do you guys want to see get evicted this Thursday night? Angie Rockstar or Kaycee? Let us know in the Facebook comments. As always, you guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.
Another new episode for Big Brother season 20 is scheduled to air this Wednesday night, August 15, 2018 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS. It’s going to feature the Power Of Veto competition and the Power Of Veto Ceremony footage. So, be sure to check that one out. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.