Big Brother Season 20 Tyler & Angela Made Special Announcement And Revealed Special Things From CBS

Hey, fellow Big Brother fans. Recently, most of you guys’ favorite season 20 couple Tyler Crispen and Angela Rummans hit up Instagram live to reveal some very special things they got from CBS along with a very special announcement.
Apparently, CBS sent them huge boxes that contained special items from their season on Big Brother. Both Tyler and Angela took the time to go through their boxes to show exactly what they received. At the end of their Instagram Live video, they made a special announcement about what they plan to do with all that stuff.
The clip started off with Tyler and Angela telling everyone they’re about to open up their Big Brother boxes that they received from CBS. They decided that Tyler should open up his box first. So, that’s exactly what he did. The first thing Tyler revealed was the stuffed pebble prop/pillow.
Angela was so excited. She screamed, “The Pebble! Oh my goodness it’s the pebble. This is so crazy! Oh my goodness.That makes me so happy!” Honestly guys, I didn’t even pay any attention to the pebble on the show, but Angela obviously loved it. Tyler said it was his favorite thing. So, the pebble must have been really special.
Next, Tyler revealed he got a box that was filled with stuff his beach momma sent him during one of his HOHs. He said he would open it later. Then he reached in and grabbed out the jump suit he wore during the first Power Of Veto competition. He revealed that he got hit with paint balls during it and it left real welts on his chest.
After that, Tyler revealed that CBS sent him his drinking cup. Angela said, “It is so weird seeing that in my house. Our house.” Angela loves calling her things our things. She’s really into Tyler. Next, Tyler pulled out a shirt that said “Zing Force” on it. Angela flirted with Tyler saying, “I like to see your muscles.” From there, Tyler pulled out an outfit from another Power Of Veto competition he won. Next, Tyler pulled out a shirt from the “Control Your Emoji’s” competition.
After that, Tyler pulled out a red shirt which they called the “Hair Flip” shirt. Tyler said it was the best veto of all time. Angela said, “It brings back so many good memories.” Next, Tyler pulled out one of the bottles from the OTEV veto. It was the “I brought you Swaggy Quill with Kaitlyn Oil.” That was Tyler’s winning answer during that competition against Angie Rockstar. Tyler said, “This was the right answer, Rockstar. I’m sorry Rockstar.”
Next, Tyler pulled out his outfit from the BB Comics Power Of veto competition. That was one of the many veto comps that Kaycee won in just two minutes and seventeen seconds. Tyler pulled out a hat from the OTEV competition. He said, ” I love it.” Next, he pulled out Kaycee’s Spec Pec shoes. He said Kaycee gave them to him and they let him keep them. He said, “Thank you Peanut (Kaycee’s nickname).”
Next, Tyler pulled out a cup from what he says was from Momma Mia. I don’t remember what that was, but I’m sure some of you guys do. Angela said, “I can’t believe they saved all this stuff.” Next, Tyler pulled out a pair of sweat pants from what he says was “Deletion Dots.” After that, Tyler pulled out some black slippers he wore. Tyler pulled out the card that read, “America’s Favorite Houseguest is Tyler.” He said, “We need to frame this.” Angela said, “He’s my favorite too as you all know. That is so cute! Oh my goodness!” Wow, Angela is just totally smitten with Tyler to no end.
Next, Tyler pulled out a Zing force bag. Angela said she hated those. “They were so useless.” Next, Tyler pulled out his favorite workout leggings. He said he thought Scottie stole them. Next, Tyler pulled out his dress that he wore during “The Maze” competition. Tyler revealed they were all coughing really bad after that comp.
Next, Tyler pulled out a pair of shorts which turned out to be Kaitlyn’s shorts. However, Tyler said he wore them the whole season. Tyler pulled out one of the BB Hacker hoodies. Angela said, ” I hated that hoodie. Not good memories.” That was of course because that’s when Tyler got thrown on the block for the first time by sweet Haleigh Broucher. Tyler said, ” I love you Haleigh.”
Next, Tyler pulled out a shirt from the final HOH part 2. He pulled out the red robe he wore around the house. Angela said she loved that robe. Tyler pulled out his “Momma Mia” pants. Angela said, “We’ll donate them.” Tyler pulled out his HOH letters he got from his family. He pulled out their signed, Big Brother group picture and showed a close-up of it. Angela said that’s another thing they’ll need to frame.
Tyler pulled out his HOH keys. Angela was very excited to see those as well. Tyler pulled out the entire Big Brother season 20 on DVD set. He said, “That’s really cool. I love that.” Tyler pulled out his, “The Lifeguardian” super hero pic that was featured in the BB Comics Power Of Veto competition. Angela said, “We’ll have to frame it.” Angela’s going to be framing everything. Tyler pulled out a couple of other minuscule things.
After Tyler was done, it was Angela’s turn to open her Big Brother box. The first thing she pulled out was her Happy Face pillow. Tyler said, “I cuddled with that thing every night when she left. You guys probably saw that.” Angela hugged it and said, “I missed it.” Angela pulled out a “Reserved For Angela” sign from the Zingbot competition.
She pulled out her shield from the Maze competition. She pulled out the OTEV bottle which she indicated was the one where Angie Rockstar gave Tyler the answer. Needless to say, Angela said that was her favorite one. Angie pulled out her 6 hat. She said Haleigh totally called them out on it too. Tyler joked saying,”Haleigh, it’s starting to all make sense to you now, huh.”
Angela pulled out her folder from the “Hide And Seek” veto comp. She pulled out her houseguest key. She pulled out her super hero costume from the BB Comics competition. She pulled out a hacker hoodie. Angela ,not surprisingly, said she hates the hacker stuff since it ruined her HOH.
She pulled out her dress from The Maze competition. She pulled out her tight surfboard competition from the first night where she lost against Swaggy C. Angela even tried it on in the video. She pulled out her “Deletion Dot” outfit. A zingbot bag which she called useless once again. Another Big Brother group photo. A secret Level 6 letter. Angela’s hot bikini pics. Tyler loved those. Lastly, Angela pulled out her “The Wrathlete” super hero poster that was featured in the BB Comics Power Of Veto competition. They put it next to Tyler’s Lifeguardian super hero poster. So, that was cute.
Afterwards, Tyler and Angela finally made their big, special announcement about what they’re going to do with all their Big Brother stuff. They said they are going to sign it and sell it on Ebay. Then give the proceeds to some charities. They are going to ask the Big Brother fans which charities they should donate it to. Currently, they don’t know when they’ll put their stuff up on Ebay, but they said they would let everyone know. So, I guess they’ll just announce it on their social media pages.
You guys can view the Angela and Tyler video I just talked about over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
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