Big Brother Season 20 Brett & Tyler Are Playing New Characters For CBS. Their Plotlines Revealed

Hey, Big Brother fans. We recently told you guys that Brett Robinson and Tyler Crispen from Big Brother’s most recent season 20 landed new guest spots on CBS’ popular “The Bold And The Beautiful” soap opera. However, at that time , we didn’t have any clue what characters they would be playing on the show.
Now, that very vital information has been revealed thanks to the folks over at the They’re reporting that Tyler and Brett will be playing two guys who owned a high tech robotic startup, have sold their company, and are now focused on philanthropic endeavors. Basically, they’ll be two, rich tech geeks. Currently, no other details have been revealed about their roles, but this is way more information than what we previously had.
Actually, there is some speculation on what Tyler and Brett’s characters’ philanthropic endeavors will entail. It’s speculated that they may include reviving Hope’s fashion line since her range had a social awareness message. Forrester Creations CEO Ridge Forrester scaled back Hope’s “Hope For The Future” fashion line, and she was left dangling with no funds and trying to explain to the various charities why they could no longer sponsor them.
The other speculation is that character Wyatt Spencer approached Tyler and Brett’s characters for his social media agenda. Co-CEO of Forrester Creations Steffy Forrester recently appointed Wyatt as the social media manager of Forrester Creations, and he may be looking at sprucing up the company’s image. We’ll see if any of those speculations pan out to be true.
Tyler and Brett recently visited The Bold And The Beautiful set. During their time there, they snapped a photo with Bold And The Beautiful Wyatt Spencer star Darin Brooks. The Bold And The Beautiful Twitter page posted the photo on their official account and captioned it with the words, “From the @CBSBigBrother house straight to #BoldandBeautiful! Check out who was on our set today. @BB20Brett @TylerCrispen2.” You guys can view that post on Bold And The Beautiful’s Twitter by Clicking Here.
Tyler and Brett’s Bold And The Beautiful episode is scheduled to air next Wednesday afternoon, October 24, 2018 at 12:30 pm central standard time on CBS. So, be sure to tune in to that one if you want to see Tyler and Brett in action.
I actually think their roles sound like they could be quite an interesting addition to the show. It’s too bad they will just be guests on the show. But, who knows? If they turn out to be a hit, they could get invited back. Bold And The Beautiful definitely needs some fresh and interesting faces right now from what I’ve seen.
Anyways, in light of their new Bold And The Beautiful guest gig, Brett hit up his official Instagram account to pose in a Bold And The Beautiful t-shirt. He captioned it with the words, “Your boy is Bold, your boy is Beautiful and your boy is going buck wild!#theboldandthebeautiful #bigbrother.” You guys can view that post by Brett on his official Instagram account by Clicking Here.
As previously reported, Tyler didn’t even know about his new Bold And The Beautiful guest gig with Brett until Entertainment Weekly told him during one of the post-Big Brother season 20 interviews. When they tried to ask Tyler about it, he said, “The Bold and the Beautiful? With Brett? No, I didn’t know that. Just me and Brett? Dude, no way. That’s sick. I did not know that. That’s news to me. No way. That’s sick, man. I always wondered who they were gonna pick for that. That’s crazy.”
They also asked Tyler who he thinks he is more bold and beautiful between him and Brett. Tyler replied with, “It’s gonna be split down the middle, man. I’d say I’m a little bit more bold than Brett. But Brett’s pretty beautiful, so I guess he can take the beautiful one.”
Tyler and Brett will join the ranks of other fellow Big Brother houseguests that have appeared on The Bold And The Beautiful. Some of them include: season 16’s Donny Thompson,Caleb Reynolds, Zach Rance, Cody Calafiore, Nicole Franzel, Devin Shephard, Hayden Voss and Amber Borzotra. Season 18’s Paul Abrahamian, Victor Arroyo and Da’ Vonne Rogers. Season 11 and 13’s Jordan Lloyd and Jeff Schroeder. Season 12 and 13’s Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas. Season 15’s Elissa Slater.
How do you guys feel about Brett and Tyler’s new Bold And The Beautiful characters? Let us know in the Facebook comments. For those of you who want to catch Tyler and Brett’s Bold and The Beautiful appearance,”The Bold And The Beautiful” airs every Monday through Friday at 12:30 pm central standard time on CBS. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.