Big Brother Season 19 Kevin Schlehuber Revealed A Very Important Update About His Cancer Scare

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We’ve got a very important update for you guys in regards to Big Brother season 19 Kevin Schlehuber. At the end of October 2018, we ran a report informing you guys that Kevin had unfortunately developed prostate cancer. He told fans on his official Twitter account that he would be having surgery to remove it after the Thanksgiving holidays.
Well, now we can officially tell you that Kevin did indeed have that surgery. He recently hit up his official Twitter account with a few updates, but the bottom line is he is now cancer FREE! That’s right, guys. Kevin is going to be ok it seems. He revealed that they got all the cancer out and that it did not spread.
There’s a timeline of tweets that Kevin posted. They started back on November 26, 2018 when he first went in for the surgery. So, he definitely didn’t waste anymore time. He was right in there right after the Thanksgiving holidays. In his November 26,2018 report, Kevin wrote, “Just went in for surgery! Should be done in 2-3 hours. #TEAMKEVIN.”
According to the folks over at ,Kevin’s daughter Illana had Kevin’s phone, and she tweeted out that his surgery went smoothly. From there, it was a waiting game to see if the surgeons got out all the cancer ,or if further treatment would be needed.
Then this past Monday, December 3, 2018, Kevin served up another Twitter update informing us that he got all the staples and tubes removed. He also revealed his future plans stating, “So I have to let U know I returned from the hospital today, I had all 26 staples removed I had the tubes taken out of me and walked on my own I can’t explain how it feels! BUT I can tell U my future is 2 Educate and HELP others,and I’m a blessed,Thankful Man #cancer awareness.” You guys can view that tweet on Kevin’s official Twitter account by Clicking Here.
Earlier today, December 7, 2018, Kevin hit up his Twitter account again and revealed the happy news we mentioned earlier in this article. He confirmed that he is ,in fact, cancer free! He still has to fully recover from the surgery, but he can certainly deal with that. He wrote, “I just received the News from my DR “IM CANCER FREE” It did not spread, I still have to recover from my Cancer Surgery, but I can deal with that THANK GOD and I’ve been waiting for this result for 12 days I am overwhelmed PLEASE UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH I APPRECIATE YOU ALL. You guys can view that tweet on Kevin’s Twitter account by Clicking Here.
Lastly, pointed out that Kevin has received great support from some of his season 19 Big Brother pals. Christmas Abbott, Elena Davis and Mark Jensen sent him well-wishes. Christmas called him a “thriver” and said she knew he would kick cancer’s a@#.
So, this is certainly great news for Kevin. We’re all glad to hear he will be ok. How do you guys feel about Kevin’s great health news? Let us know in the Facebook comments and stay tuned. Be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.