Another Past Big Brother Female Houseguest Has Given Birth To A New Baby

Happy Friday and weekend, fellow Big Brother fans. We’ve got some more Big Brother alumni news to share with you guys today. It turns out that another one of the former females of the Big Brother house has spawned a possible, future Big Brother player!
According to a recent report from the folks over at , the former houseguest that we are talking about is none other than Amanda Zuckerman from the show’s racist season 15. It aired way back in the summer of 2013. Wow, it’s so hard to believe that was almost six years ago already. I swear time flies at the speed of light these days.
Anyways, getting back to Amanda Zuckerman. Some of you long time fans might remember her. She pretty much ran the house during her season. She hooked up with pizza boy McCrae Olson while she was in the house, and they were locked at the hip until Amanda got voted out. She was definitely one of the stronger, dominant females in Big Brother history. She was pretty funny too. I enjoyed watching some of her commentary of previous Big Brother seasons. She ended up finishing in 7th place during season 15. Andy Harren ended up winning that season over the runner up GinaMarie Zimmerman.
As for Amanda’s new baby, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Amanda recently hit up her official Twitter and Instagram accounts to post some photos of her new baby. The one on Twitter features a solo shot of the baby. You guys can view it on Amanda’s official Twitter account by Clicking Here.
The Instagram post features a photo of Amanda holding her new baby in her arms while in the hospital. It’s accompanied with the caption: “Welcome to the world Madison Rose Zachman ? 8lbs 15 ounces, Born at 6:11pm.” You guys can view that photo on Amanda’s official Instagram account by Clicking Here.
As you can see in Amanda’s Instagram post, she named her new baby, Madison Rose Zachman. She was born at 6:11 p.m. on December 2, 2018.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this brief, Big Brother alumni update. We certainly wish Amanda Zuckerman the best of luck with her new baby.
As for the Big Brother show, we’re currently still waiting to see who the highly anticipated cast for the upcoming Celebrity Big Brother season 2 will be. There hasn’t really been any rumors spreading like there were before the first season. Everything has been really tight-lipped like it is during regular Big Brother seasons. Nobody seems to know a thing about who has been casts, or who will be casts.
All we know right now is that season 2 is scheduled to kick off on Monday night, January 21,2018 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS. That’s exactly one month away. So, it won’t be long now. It’s only scheduled to last around 23 or 24 days like the first season. So, it will be swift. Stay tuned and be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.