Bachelor 2019 Colton Underwood Responded To Offensive Tweets From One Of His Ladies

Hey, Bachelor Nation fans. We’ve got a new, pretty interesting report for you guys today. It was previously reported that one of Colton Underwood’s Bachelor 2019 ladies Tracy Shapoff got pretty upset with him and took it out on social media about a month or so ago!
According to the folks over at Entertainment Tonight , Tracy apparently tweeted some hurtful words that included racist comments, fat-shaming remarks, use of the R-Word (retard). They say she seemingly slammed Colton in the process!
Now, Colton has responded to the the comments Tracy posted. He told Entertainment Tonight, “I don’t believe in whatever Tracy liked and tweeted at the time, but I think that’s a growing thing.”
Entertainment Tonight also pointed out that Tracy has since apologized for her offensive tweet. She did it through a very long Instagram post which reads like this, “I want to start by expressing my sincerest apologizes for the extremely hurtful words that I said many years ago. I’m so sorry for those who I have offended. I am beyond mortified that I ever had those thoughts and then proceeded to express them. By no means does this reflect the person who I am today. To the people who do not know me, I am a loving, kind, thoughtful, generous, and compassionate woman. I am not mean-hearted or hurtful.
The people I have always surrounded myself with are very diverse and come from all over the world. I have a huge heart and a very open mind. In the many years since writing those tweets, I have made a conscious effort not to be judgmental and to be accepting of all people. I have gone into a field of work where I am able to help women and men have positive images of themselves, their bodies, and feel beautiful in who they are. It is the most rewarding feeling being able to work in such a diverse field. It shows me the beauty in all people and I am so lucky to have this opportunity.
I don’t defend any of the words I have tweeted. I just want to deeply apologize and learn from my mistakes. I wholeheartedly reject all of those sentiments. That being said, I take full responsibility for my tweets and will use this as a learning experience. I hope that we can continue to spread love and kindness in the world.” You guys can view that tweet on Tracy’s official Instagram account by Clicking Here.
Entertainment Tonight asked Colton if ABC should do a better job screening its contestants. Colton replied with, “It’s not up for me to decide. As the Bachelor, it’s a good opportunity for me to get to really know these women and form my own opinions of them without really seeing that. That is a gift and a curse at times. As far as the process goes, you know social media is becoming a challenge for every workplace. You’re seeing it all over the world and in our society coming up, and everybody has differences in this world and like I said, but the bottom line is the Bachelor changing their casting process is not up to me. That’s not my department or anything I need to have an opinion in.”
Tracy isn’t the first of Colton’s ladies that hit up social media to rant. A couple months back, we reported that one of the other ladies Annie Reardon posted a now-deleted Snapchat post which Reality Steve got a screenshot of. It featured a photo of her with a caption that reads like this, “When you dumped the bachelor because he’s weird as sh*t and are headed back to normal happy life without psycho people.”
So far, we haven’t heard about any apologies from her. However, she did try to delete her post. Needless to say, I think this could make for a pretty interesting season of The Bachelor. Just a reminder. The new 2019 season is scheduled to air this Monday night, January 7, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on ABC.
Alright guys. That’s going to wrap it up for this latest Bachelor Nation report, but definitely stay tuned for more. You can follow us on our The Bachelor Facebook page for more Bachelor news by Clicking Here.