‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Hope’s Stolen Baby Scheme Is On The Verge Of Getting Exposed This Week

Happy Saturday, “Bold And The Beautiful” fans. We hope you guys are having a great weekend so far. Well, the time has come for what we’ve been warning you guys about for weeks now. Reese’s own daughter Zoe is about to get to work in unraveling just what the hell scandalous Reese has been up to these past couple of weeks in regards to Hope’s stolen baby!
We know most of you guys have been complaining and yearning for Hope to get her precious, stolen baby back. It looks like this week could be the beginning of that scenario possibly happening! CBS released a new preview clip for this week’s upcoming February 4 to 8, 2019 episodes, and it’s all about Zoe’s new mission to discover what her father did.
The clip starts out showing past scenes of Reese with Hope in that hospital room. Then it jumps to another past scene of Florence asking Reese, “How much money are you getting for her?” Then is shows a brief clip of Steffy telling the new baby, “I knew that you belonged with me.” Oh my gosh. That is so bad.
Anyways, the clip then cuts to Xander asking Zoe, “You think something shady’s going on?” After that, Florence is seen looking very distraught with Zoe. She asks Zoe, “Why are you asking me all these questions about this?!” Apparently, Zoe is really laying it on thick with the third degree, hardcore questioning. And since Flo has lie about everything, it can get hard to keep track of all her lies.
The next scene features Zoe getting extremely loud with Florence saying, “I need to know what’s going on, and I need to know how it involves Steffy Forrester’s baby!” As I mentioned in previous articles, it looks like Florence could definitely crack under all this pressure. Zoe is definitely making things intense.
The preview clip narration says, “He stole from one woman. Conned another. Now, the biggest threat to him is his own daughter.” The irony is real,guys. The irony is very real. So, there it is. That’s the new plot that’s about to bust this whole Hope stolen baby scheme wide open. You guys can view the new preview clip for the upcoming Bold And The Beautiful February 4 to 8, 2019 episodes over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
CBS also released written teasers for this whole Zoe plotline. They give a little more insight into how this all comes about. Apparently, Zoe is going to go searching for clues at Reese’s apartment in an effort to find out why he all of a sudden decided to leave town.
She will, of course, discover that Florence is there. This will raise her suspicions. CBS’ official description tells us, “Zoe comes face-to-face with Flo while searching for clues about her father’s recent departure.” An alternate description reads like this, “While searching her father’s apartment, Zoe encounters Florence.”
Zoe’s suspicions will lead to her to bombarding Flo with a ton of questions! CBS’ description tells us, “Zoe wants answers from Flo.” An alternate description reads like this, “It’s a game of cat and mouse when Zoe pressures Flo with questions and Flo redirects each one.”
Apparently, Flo will ward Zoe off during that first exchange, but Zoe will return to confront Flo again later on this week. When she does, something very shocking will take place! CBS’description tells us, “Zoe visits Flo again, and this time there are explosive results.” An alternate description reads like this, “Doubting Flo’s story, Zoe pays her another visit. This time, with explosive results.”
All I can say is this sounds pretty exciting. The plot is about to get real sticky for Florence who’s left alone to try and fend off any suspicions. Reese should’ve told Florence to skip town too. I mentioned in yesterday’s article that since Flo is still staying in that apartment,she’s going to be around and able to be tracked down if the baby theft scheme gets exposed. And that appears to be exactly what’s about to take place. Wait for it. Just wait for it.
Another plot to make note of this week involves Brooke. It sounds like she’s going to do a bit of detective work as well. However, it may not be as extensive as Zoe’s efforts. We’re officially hearing that Brooke is going to confront Taylor and Steffy with questions about who connected them with that new baby!
CBS’ description tells us, “Brooke drops in on Steffy and has questions about Taylor’s connection to the adopted baby’s birth mother.” An alternate description reads like this, “Brooke pays a surprise visit to Steffy and questions Taylor’s connection to her baby’s birth mother.”
Will Taylor let slip that Reese was the one who set up that adoption? That’s the huge question for this particular plotline. If she does, that could open up a whole other level of suspicion on Brooke’s end. We’ll have to wait and see. What we know for sure is that the current plotline seems to certainly be leading to this Hope baby theft scheme finally getting exposed!
How do you guys feel about the Hope stolen baby scheme finally starting to possibly unravel? Let us know in the Facebook comments.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Bold And The Beautiful report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
The “Bold And The Beautiful” airs every Monday through Friday at 12:30 pm central standard time on CBS. Be sure to follow us on our “Bold And The Beautiful” Facebook page for more Bold And The Beautiful news by Clicking Here. Get your favorite TV Show and Movie stuff by Clicking Here.
It’s about time! I haven’t watched since Hope have birth! It has been a disgusting storyline! My grandma has been watching B&B since day one, she has completely stopped watching. There are a lot of Hope fans, the writers need to realize this. The death of a baby is not entertaining. At least now this horrible story might be over.
hope always loses against steffy hope should have her baby back .I stopped watching the show I m not a fan of taylor or steffy
its about time b&b went off air its getting boring. maybe its about time Steffy loses not Hope Liam should be married to Hope long time ago .Steffy always gets what she wants. Steffy is just like Taylor.
Thank you, Sandy! Im glad to see Im not the only one that wants Hope to be happy & have her baby! Its Hope’s time to be happy now! Shes had too many loses & Im tired of always seeing Steffy getting everything she wants!
Yes I totally agree
First of all, that was a horrible story line involving a baby!! Have not watched since Hope thinks her baby was stillborn!
Bold and Beautiful needs to find more interest then Steffy and her love life and baby’s. Hope needs to get he baby back now!! I cannot stand the character that plays Zoe’s dad. He should stay on Let’s Make A Deal!! This show needs a “MAJOR SHOW LIFT”, the story lines are getting pretty bad. Becoming very boring!!