Celebrity Big Brother Season 2 Major Blowout Fight Happened Between Lolo,Tom And Kato Yesterday

Celebrity Big Brother Season 2 Major Blowout Fight Happened Between Lolo,Tom And Kato Yesterday

Hey, Big Brother fans. We hope you guys are enjoying your weekend so far. We have some wild news to share with you guys. As previously reported, Lolo and Natalie Eva Marie have been doing some flipping on Tom and Kato as of late, and this caused Tom and Kato to want to confront Eva Marie and Lolo in the kitchen area of the Celebrity Big Brother season 2 house yesterday morning!

It resulted in Tom and Kato catching some heavy heat from Lolo. She just was not having it. She went off on them like nobody’s business, cussing and swearing at them. Basically she called them pieces of Sh@#t and so on and so forth!

Things got underway at around 10:15 am yesterday morning, February 1, 2019 when Tom told Kandi,”I’m planning to confront Lolo and Eva Marie over what they did. I want to tell everyone Tomato will win HOH and come for them.” Tomato refers to Tom’s alliance for those of you who didn’t know.

At around 10:36 am pacific standard time, the drama hit the ceiling.Tom was seen talking with Lolo and Eva Marie in the kitchen and trying to call them out. Then all of a sudden, Lolo started popping off saying, “You can feel how you wanna feel. I told you guys I’m not for this bull sh@#t! Kato said ,”What?” Lolo said it again,”I’m not for this bull sh@#t! Do you want me to spell it out for you?!”

Kato started screaming at Lolo saying, “Have you taken acting classes?!” Lolo said, “I’m not a f@#cking actor you muther f@#cker! I’m and athlete!You can read it the f@#ck ya’ll wanna read it. You know what you wanna read? The whole f@#cking house! You guys go around f@#cking blowing up everybody every f@#cking day! Every f@#cking day you guys do this! I don’t understand. You guys have had veto,head of household! What do you guys want us to do? F@#cking bow down to you guys?! Like literally, what is your deal?!

You guys are insane on just pissing everybody off! If it’s not me, it’s Dina, it’s Kandi! Like literally, everyday you guys wanna pick somebody and piss them off! What is the point of that?! What is the point of that,Tom?! Like literally, you are making people who used to like you, f@#cking hate you guys! Tom said, “We know what you guys did?” Lolo said, “You guys are pieces of sh@#t for ruining everybody’s f@#cking morning! At this point, Lolo was walking off, and that was when the fight ended. Eva Marie was seen talking about it in the workout room.

Then at 10;39 am, Lolo was seen cussing at Tom and Kato again in the kitchen when they walked in. She told them, “You guys blew it just now. You literally just f@#cking blew it. F@#ck ya’ll. Take that f@#ck ya’ll and turn it into a fu, fu, f@#ck ya’ll! Then she just kept yelling it over and over again. It was crazy. Lolo definitely doesn’t mind bringing that heat.

Later on at around 11:15 am, Ricky got into it with Tom and Kato. Ricky told Tom and Kato to just go away. When Kato wouldn’t leave, Ricky told him, “You aren’t my friend. You’re a fake a@# dude.”

At around 11:34 am, Kato tried to go into the bedroom where Lolo was at. Lolo told him to get out.Then she started screaming for Ricky to make Kato get out. After that, Lolo started screaming even louder for production to make Kato leave! Then Ricky walked Kato out of the room and told him, “No one wants you here.”

Later on at around 2:56 pm, Eva Marie and Lolo were seen agreeing that there is no apology that Tom and Kato could offer them at this point. So, it sounds like a breaking point has definitely been breached, and there’s a major battle going on between Lolo, Eva Marie, Tom and Kato.

We’ll keep you guys updated as more things develop. As always, you guys can view the Celebrity Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.

Don’t forget. Another new episode of Celebrity Big Brother season 2 is scheduled to air tonight, February 2, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS. This one will be the LIVE eviction show where either actor Joey Lawrence or singer Kandi Burruss will be evicted. Stay tuned. Be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here. Get your favorite TV Show and Movie stuff by Clicking Here.

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