New Supernatural Season 14 Episode 14 Not Airing Tonight. Delayed For A While

Hey, Supernatural fans. We have some very unfortunate news for you guys tonight. It turns out that your favorite show is taking a bit of a hiatus for the time being. That means the next, new episode 14 will not be airing tonight, February 14, 2019. Instead, it is scheduled to air on Thursday night, March 7, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on The CW. So, be sure to mark that very important date down on your TV show calendars.
So, what is The CW airing tonight instead of Supernatural? It turns out that they are airing a Valentine’s Day special according to the TV Guide listings. It’s called, “THE TOP 14 GREATEST VALENTINE’S DAY MOVIES OF ALL TIME.” The official description for it,reads like this, “The top 14 Valentine’s Day movies as ranked by Popstar magazine are counted down. Included: “Sleepless in Seattle”; “Love Actually”; “Pretty Woman”; and “The Notebook.” Dean Cain hosts.”
Then next Thursday night, February 21, 2019, The CW will be airing a rerun of their Charmed reboot show. They’re re-airing the 10th episode that originally aired back on January 20, 2019. The official description for it, reads like this,”The sisters turn to The Elders for advice about Harry (Rupert Evans). Mel (Melonie Diaz), fed up with The Elders rules, turns to Jada (guest star Aleyse Shannon) for help without telling her sisters.
With a plan in place, they must face an unexpected threat which leads Maggie (Sarah Jeffery) to find a strength she didn’t know she had. Meanwhile, Galvin (Ser’Darius Blain) shares some shocking news with Macy (Madeleine Mantock) that will change everything.”
If any of you guys want to check out any of those shows, you’ll want to still tune into the CW. For those of you who have no desire to watch any of those shows, it’s highly suggested that you find something else to watch.
Now, for a bit of good news. The CW did put out a press release for the next, new episode 14. Before we get into to it, we need to warn you guys that it does contain light spoiler teasers. If you don’t like spoiler teasers, it’s highly suggested that you stop reading this article right now. For those of you who don’t mind spoiler teasers, by all means, please keep reading this article.
First thing’s first, episode 14 is revealed to be entitled, “Ouroboros.” And that has got to be the weirdest name for a title that I’ve ever heard of.
Anyways, on to the main description, it sounds like it will be quite intense as usual as Rowena is brought back on to the scene to help take down a vicious demi god that likes to feed on human flesh! And we can’t forget about that wicked Archangel Michael. Dean will definitely still have problems keeping him trapped in his mind.
CW’s official description reads like this, “Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) enlist the help of Rowena (guest star Ruth Connell) to track down a demi god who feasts on human flesh. The challenge of keeping Michael at bay is proving to be more difficult than originally anticipated.” Episode 14 was written by Steve Yockey, and Amyn Kaderali directed it.
The CW also released a new preview clip for episode 14. It looks very intense and pretty shocking as Jack is starting to turn evil since he’s burning off part of his soul. He’s seen attacking Rowena and son on and so forth! It’s pretty wild. You guys can view the new preview clip for episode 14 over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Supernatural report, but definitely stay tuned for more. Be sure to follow us on our Supernatural Facebook page for more Supernatural news by Clicking Here.