New Shameless Season 9, February 24, 2019 Episode 12 Spoilers Revealed By Showtime

Hey, fellow “Shameless” fans. We hope you guys enjoyed episode 11 tonight. Now, that it’s done and over, it’s time to take a look at what the next, new February 24, 2019 episode 12 will have in store for us. For that, we look to the official synopsis that the folks over at Showtime were so kind enough to recently provide.
To get things started, Showtime revealed that next week’s episode 12 of season 9 is titled,”You’ll Know The Bottom When You Hit It.” Hmm, I like that title. It’s oh so true too. Anyways, moving right along. Episode 12 sounds like it will feature some very interesting and dramatic scenes as Lip is forced to have to deal with all the fallout from Xan’s visit to the DCFS. Carl starts to get quite suspicious of Debbie’s efforts to form a closer bond with Kelly.
Kevin and Veronica will be very busy, cooking up a clever plan to get the neighborhood to work together after a blackout hits the South Side. And we can’t forget about good ole Fiona. It turns out that she’s going to be busy getting some advice from someone we would never expect! Oh, could it be? Oh, could it be? We’ll just have to wait and see.
Showtime’s official synopsis description for episode 12 reads like this,”When a blackout hits the South Side, Kevin and Veronica come up with a plan to bring the neighborhood together. Carl grows suspicious of Debbie’s attempts to get closer with Kelly. Fiona receives guidance from an unexpected person, and Lip has to deal with the fallout from Xan’s DCFS visit.”
We’re expecting to see more details about this episode later tonight after Showtime releases their usual preview clips for it. For now, that’s all we’ve got, but definitely stay tuned for more. Be on the lookout for the new episode 12 preview clips later on tonight on Showtime’s Shameless Youtube channel by Clicking Here.
The official synopsis also confirmed that episode 12 will indeed air next Sunday night, February 24, 2019 at approximately 9 pm central standard time on Showtime. Get your favorite TV Show and Movie stuff by Clicking Here.