New The Bachelor 2019, February 25, 2019 Episode 8 Spoilers Revealed

New The Bachelor 2019, February 25, 2019 Episode 8 Spoilers Revealed

Hey, Bachelor fans. We hope you guys enjoyed episode 7 tonight. Now that it’s history, it’s time to take a look at what the next, new episode 8 has in store for The Bachelor 2019 edition. For this, we’ll be using our trusty source Reality Steve.

According to, episode 8 will be the big Hometown dates episode! The Hometowns adventure will kick off with Colton visiting Hannah Godwin in Birmingham, Alabama. Reality Steve didn’t have anything specific to say about what Colton and Hannah Godwin did on their Hometown date. However, he did fill us in on who returns after it’s over.

Oh yeah, that’s right. One of the previous ladies that was rejected, returns after Hannah Godwin’s hometown date, and that special lady is Hannah B. She’s going to show up at Colton’s hotel room to see if they can talk. It turns out that their talk won’t really do much in regards to her elimination status. Reality Steve mentioned that someone apparently convinced Hannah B that this would be a good idea. But apparently, it was just a waste of everyone’s time.

After all that, Colton is going to visit Caelyn Miller-Keyes in Fredricksburg, Virginia. Reality Steve mentioned that they met up on Princess Anne Street to kick off their hometown date. They road around in a horse drawn carriage too. Reality Steve posted a short video clip of this horse carriage meeting on his Twitter with the following caption: “(SPOILER): Video of Colton and Caelynn in Fredericksburg, VA for her hometown date.” You guys can view it on Reality Steve’s official Twitter account by Clicking Here.

After that, reality Steve posted another tweet which revealed they didn’t use Caelyn’s actual home to film her howetown date. Instead, they used the famed Stevenson-Dogett house that’s located on Amelia Street in Fredricksburg, vA. Steve wrote, “As we know, they don’t always use the actual homes of the parents on hometown dates sometimes. Colton and Caelynn are seen going into the famed Stevenson-Doggett house on Amelia St in Fredericksburg tonight to meet her parents.” You guys can view that tweet on reality Steve’s Twitter by Clicking Here.

Steve pointed out that he basically doesn’t really know why in the hell they shot Caelyn’s hometown date at this Stevenson-Dogett house.

After Caelyn’s strange hometown date, Colton will head to see Tayshia Adams in Orange County, California. Reality Steve had absolutely no details for what they did on her hometown date. The same goes for Cassie Randolph’s hometown date in Huntington Beach, California.

However, we can say that things must have went well for Tayishia Adams and Cassie Randolph because they are not the ones that will get eliminated in this episode. Nope, the unfortunately lady that meets her The Bachelor maker in this episode at the rose ceremony is Caelynn Miller-Keyes. We knew her hometown date sounded sort of strange by them not filming in her actual home and everything. Maybe that has something to do with it. Who knows? We’ll just have to wait and see.

All that we know right now is that Caelynn’s out, and the other three girls are in. Tayishia Adams, Cassie Randolph and Hannah Godwin will be joining Colton for the overnight dates in episode 9.

How do you guys feel about Colton’s final three ladies? Are you happy about them? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments.

The next, new episode 8 of The Bachelor 2019 edition is scheduled to air next Monday night, February 25, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on ABC. Stay tuned. Be sure to follow us on our The Bachelor Facebook page for more Bachelor news by Clicking Here. Get your favorite TV Show and Movie stuff by Clicking Here.

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1 Response

  1. Anonymous says:

    The person who wrote this article needs to check into an English class and educate themselves. Sometimes there are two ways to spell a word that is pronounced the same way, i.e.. “road” is a road on the ground; “rode” is when something is being ridden. Check the other errors as well. Good writing and being an author is a great talent – but obviously this person did not use the writing skills that are required. There is also “self-checking” one needs to do before publishing an article.

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