‘Pretty Little Liars’ Lucy Hale Is About to Star In A New CW Riverdale Spin Off TV Show

Hey, Pretty Little Liars fans. We’ve got some pretty exciting news for any of you who were fans of former Aria Montgomery star Lucy Hale. Following the heels of her CW “Life Sentence” show getting canceled, it turns out that the CW isn’t ready to give up on her just yet. According to the folks over at Entertainment Weekly, The CW has offered Lucy Hale a new TV show gig which will be a spin off for their current hit show “Riverdale.”
Lucy’s new show is called, “Katy Keene.” The show received a pilot episode order back in January 2019. The Katy Keene plotline will follow four iconic Archie Comics characters in New York City as they aspire to make it on Broadway, on the runway, and in the recording studio.
Lucy will be playing the lead role of Katy Keene. The show’s timeline is set many years after the current Riverdale timeline. The Katy Keene character is described as being “a twentysomething New Yorker who aspires to be a fashion designer. When she’s not working as a personal shopper at a luxury department store, she’s navigating friendship and dating in the big city.”
The new Katy Keen show will have the same producer as the Riverdale show, which is Roberto Auirre-Sacasa. Roberto will also be writing the show with the help of Michael Grassi. Greg Berlanti, Sarah Schechter, and Jon Goldwater will also be executive producers on the new Katy Keene show.
The folks over at E!Online.com provided a few extra details about Lucy’s new gig and how she feels about it. An alternate description for Lucy’s Katy Keene character reads like this, “Katy is an aspiring fashion designer trying to find her way in the Big Apple, while also trying to maintain her friendships and a dating life.”
As far as how Lucy feels about all this, she’s apparently quite ecstatic. She recently hit up her official Instagram account this past Monday, March 11, 2019 to let everyone know. Her Instagram post featured a news article photo of her and her new TV show gig.
She wrote the following: ,”Well I’m slightly freaking out ! Thank you @archiecomics / @writerras / @thecw / @warnerbrostv / @thatthingofwhen for trusting me to be your KATY KEENE. my heart is bursting.” You guys can view that post on Lucy Hale’s official Instagram account by Clicking Here.
E! Online pointed out that the Katy Keene Riverdale spin off was actually created by Riverdale showrunners Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Michael Grassi.
Well, we’re very happy for Lucy. Actually, Lucy was always my favorite Pretty Little Liar. I don’t know. There’s just something about her.
Lucy has also shown a lot of support for the new Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists spin off show. She has stated that she would love to make an appearance on it if they’ll have her. She just seems like a really cool person.
Anyways, it’s currently not yet known when Lucy’s new Katy Keene pilot episode will debut. I imagine they’re still probably in the process of just casting for it since Lucy was just recently casts, and she’s the freaking main star of it. We’ll definitely let you guys know when it’s due to debut.
How do you guys feel about Lucy and her new TV show? Let us know in the comments. Alright guys that’s it for this latest Pretty Little Liars report,but definitely stay tuned for more.
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