‘Fear The Walking Dead’ Spoilers For Season 5, June 23, 2019 Episode 4 Revealed

Hey, “Fear The Walking Dead” fans. We hope you enjoyed tonight’s episode 3. Now that it’s officially wrapped up and in the history books, it’s time to take a look at a few of the scenarios that will be taking place in the next, new episode 4 that’s due to air next Sunday night, June 23, 2019.
The lovely folks over at AMC were, once again, nice enough to deliver up a few teaser descriptions for episode 4. So, we’ll be taking a look at what they decided to share in this spoiler article.
As usual, we are going to start things off with the title reveal. The title for episode 4 is officially named, “Skidmark.” Wow, that sounds dirty on so many levels. Anyways, it sounds like episode 4 is going to feature some very interesting, action-filled, dramatic and intense scenes as Charlie finds himself a new buddy to hang with.
Victor Strand, Wendell and Sarah’s rescue attempt gets bumpy. Morgan, Luciana and Alicia run into heavy struggles and more!
We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the Charlie situation. It turns out that Charlie is going to have a not such a bad time in this episode as he will make a new friend at some point. AMC’s official description tells us,”Charlie makes a friend.”
Who will Charlie’s new friend turn out to be? That’s a huge question for this particular storyline. We’ll definitely have to wait and see. It sounds like this storyline could provide at least some semi-interesting scenes for you guys. Possibly a new twist. Who knows?
The second spoiler scoop reveals that Victor Strand, Wendell and Sarah aren’t going to be too great in this episode. Certainly not as good as Charles. It turns out that Victor,Sarah and Wendell are going to run into some sort of a problem when trying to pull off their rescue mission! AMC’s description tells us, “Strand, Wendell, and Sarah’s rescue mission hits a snag.”
What problem will Victor, Sarah and Wendell run into on this rescue mission? Will they be able to get past it? Those are a couple of big questions for this particular scenario.
Whatever ends up happening, it certainly sounds like this storyline will feature a some very, intense, action-filled and dramatic scenes to look forward to. So, be on the lookout for all that good stuff.
Lastly, we’ve got this third spoiler teaser. It reveals that Alicia, Luciana and Morgan will also not be having the greatest of times in this installment. Apparently, they will be struggling quite a bit to complete their mission. AMC’s description tells us, “Alicia, Luciana, and Morgan struggle to fulfill their mission.”
What struggles will we see Alicia, Morgan and Luciana deal with in this episode? Will they ultimately be able to overcome them? Those are the important questions for their particular storyline. Only time will tell if we’ll see them pull through.
In the meantime, we sense that this storyline will definitely give you guys some more entertaining and dramatic scenes.
In addition to these spoiler scoops, we do expect AMC to deliver up another preview clip for episode 4 later on tonight after episode 3 airs. So, you’ll certainly want to go searching for it on Youtube a couple hours after episode 3 wraps up.
We’re very sure the preview clip will feature a few added spoiler teasers as well as a more visual idea of what will be taking place in episode 4.
Again, AMC confirmed that episode 4 is indeed scheduled to air next Sunday night, June 23, 2019 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Fear The Walking Dead” report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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Charles haha! its Charlie and shes a girl!