Big Brother Season 21 Spoiler: First Head Of Household And Eviction Target Leaked

Big Brother Season 21 Spoiler: First Head Of Household And Eviction Target Leaked

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. As previously reported, the Big Brother season 21 houseguests officially moved into the house this past Tuesday night, June 18,2019 because they actually enter the house a full week before the televised premiere episode airs.

Since they’re already in there playing the game, a new leak has already emerged according to the folks over at Big Brother Network.

They say an audio leak occurred on the Big Brother LIVE feeds, and it featured the current HOH (Head Of Household) and their nomination plans for this first week, and even their target! They say the leak occurred today, June 21, 2019 at around 9:39 am pacific standard time.

During it, it was revealed that Christie Murphy is the first HOH for this season 21 of Big Brother. You guys can view Christie Murphy’s photo and full bio on CBS’ site by Clicking Here.

Big Brother Network revealed that Christie was overheard promising a lot of people safety this week. However, there was one person who wasn’t promised safety, and that unlucky person is Kathryn Dunn.

Kathryn is definitely one of Christie’s targets. Christie said of Kathryn, “She’s paranoid and frequently accusing others of talking about her and plotting against her.” You guys can view Kathryn Dunn’s photo and bio on CBS’ site by Clicking Here.

Big Brother Network also mentioned that the other nominee will supposedly just be a pawn. So, it sounds like this Kathryn Dunn chick is certainly a real, extreme target and has put herself in quite a bind in just a few days of being inside the Big Brother house.

This is just the initial nomination plans though. As we all know, anything could change at the drop of a dime inside that house. Also, we’ve got the Power Of Veto ceremony coming up. There’s also lots of negotiations and deal making to look forward to.

The actual LIVE feeds won’t officially be up until after the second premiere night episode, which is this Wednesday night, June 26, 2019. That’s right, guys. CBS is giving us another two-night premiere.

Of course, the first night will be this Tuesday, January 25, 2019. The start time for the premiere episode is approximately 7 pm central standard time. So, be sure to mark that very valuable information down on your TV show schedules. Wednesday night’s June 26, 2019 episode is also starting at 7 pm central standard time on CBS.

For any of you who are interested in the Big Brother LIVE Feeds, they are, of course, back. They will start up at approximately 9 pm pacific standard time on Wednesday night, June 26, 2019.

The feeds will feature all the great things we’ve come to love about them. The flashback feature that lets you flash back to any time you want so you never miss a thing. The chatroom to chat with other Big Brother fans and soon and so forth.

CBS is, once again, offering up a Free one week trial to new subscribers. That’s right, guys. You can get the Big Brother LIVE feeds Free for one week over on CBS’ site by Clicking Here.

So, how do you guys feel about the new HOH so far? Is it just too early to tell? Let us know in the comments section.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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