Big Brother 21 Spoilers: POV Ceremony Results Revealed For July 23, 2019

Big Brother 21 Spoilers: POV Ceremony Results Revealed For July 23, 2019

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We’ve got another big news event to share with you guys in regards to this current season 21. Yesterday, July 22, 2019, the POV Ceremony did indeed take place, and couple of things definitely got switched up with the eviction nominees.

Before we jump into exactly what happened during the POV ceremony, we’re going to do our brief recap of this week to make sure everyone is caught up to speed. This week began with Cliff making it back into the house after winning the Camp Comeback competition.

From there, he won the HOH (Head of Household) competition to take rule over the house this week.

During Cliff’s nomination ceremony, he threw the big alpha males Jack and Jackson on the eviction chopping block, which finally brought some excitement to this season. However, as we’ll soon learn, Cliff did find a way to screw it up.

The Power Of Veto competition took place this past Saturday, July 20, 2019, and Jackson emerged as the winner of it. This,of course, opened up a new door of possibilities because Christie has her “Diamond Power Of Veto” upgrade power.

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This would allow her to upgrade Jackson’s regular veto to a Diamond A Power Of Veto. The Diamond Power Of Veto allows the holder not only the ability to save themselves but to also name the replacement nominee.

With Bella being the main target for the six shooters alliance made up of Christie, Jackson, Jack, Analyse, Holly and Tommy, they certainly threatened to use this power at the POV ceremony.

And that, of course, brings us to yesterday’s POV ceremony. Christie did not use her Diamond Power Of Veto upgrade power. Jackson did use his veto to save himself. Then Cliff replaced Jackson with Bella.

So now, Bella and Jack are sitting on the eviction chopping block as the final eviction nominees this week. Bella is the main target because she has such a big mouth and exposed everyone’s plans early on. Basically, she was just terrible at this game.

It turns out that Cliff decided to strike up a deal to actually give the six shooters alliance what they wanted in exchange for two weeks of safety. That means Cliff didn’t even force Christie to flush out her power. She still has it, and she got Bella up on the block like she wanted.

Cliff basically gave the six shooters alliance everything they wanted. Jack and Jackson will still be in the house after this week. So, Cliff managed to turn his HOH into a dud. However, I do agree that Bella really sucks and needs to go too.

There’s is some glimmer of Hope for Cliff’s personal game. That six shooters alliance could crumble over the next two weeks. Holly and Jackson reportedly got into a big fight and broke up.

On the LIVE feeds yesterday, July 22, 2019, Holly was seen talking to Kathryn about how much a of a douchebag Jackson is.

At around 1:10 pm, Cliff was seen telling Bella that he still wants Jack gone, and if the votes are somehow a tie, he will send Jack home to break the tie. They also tried to strategize how to make that happen.

At around 1:42 pm, Nick tried to convince Tommy that this is the only chance they will have to get Jack out. Plus, if Jack goes, their alliance will still be strong enough to move forward without him.

At around 2:05 pm, Bella told Nick she’s still planning to campaign to get votes from Jackson, Holly, Nicole, Kathryn and Jessica. Bella is truly clueless. She totally screwed over Jessica and Nicole early on. She also screwed over her alliance she had with Jackson and Holly when they were the Gr8ful alliance.

Bella sucks. I mean she sucks so bad that people are overlooking how tough it would be to get Jack out just so they can get vengeance on her. Now, that’s really bad.

In fact, Christie was seen telling Holly that they need to make sure Bella doesn’t try and spin words and conversations when she tries to campaign to stay.

At around 2:45 pm , Bella was seen telling Nick,”I’m happy to be going home. I can get on with my life.” Ugh, good riddance.

A few hours after that, Bella got up to try and campaign again. I wish she would freaking make up her mind. Does she want to leave or not? Anyways, she was trying to get Nicole’s vote after all the crap she pulled on her. She really tried to sell how this is the only time they can get Jack out.

At around 6:35 pm , Christie mentioned that Jackson isn’t even talking to Holly anymore. So, that’s a major crack in the six shooters alliance.

At around 12:05 am today, July 23, 2019, Nicole and Cliff were still trying to see if they can get a tie vote so Cliff can send Jack home.

At around 1:40 am, Jackson started talking to Holly again, and they sort of made up I guess. He read off a list of demands for her to follow. Mainly, he wants her to compliment him more because he’s a very insecure person. Seriously, this is real. This really happened. It’s crazy.

Sam had also thrown a house meeting to clear his name of Bella and Nick. He thought no one was trusting him because he was always with Nick and Bella. During the house meeting, Nick told everyone that Sam had nothing to do with any plans he tried to implement.

Sam, of course, also said the same thing. So, I guess Sam got what he wanted out of this meeting. However,Jackson was still seen saying he wants to target Sam next.

That was pretty much it for the really significant conversations that took place yesterday and into the early morning hours of today.

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How do you guys feel about Bella replacing Jackson on the eviction chopping block? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.

The next, new Big Brother season 21 episode is scheduled to air tomorrow night, July 24, 2019 at approximately 8 pm central standard time on CBS. We expect to see the POV comp, the POV ceremony, some conversation footage and more. So, definitely tune in for that one if you want to see how all that stuff played out.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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