Big Brother 21 Spoilers: New Power Of Veto Winner Revealed For August 18, 2019

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We hope you guys are having an excellent Sunday. We are back to deliver some more very important intel for the current season 21. The POV (Power Of Veto) competition was played yesterday, August 17, 2019.
Before we tell you guys who won it, we’re going to do a brief recap of this week’s events that led up to the POV comp. This week started off with Jackson winning the new HOH (Head Of Household) competition this past Thursday night, August 15, 2019 to take control of the house.
Then on Friday, August 16, 2019, Jackson held his eviction nomination ceremony. After it was all said and done, it was revealed that Jackson had indeed nominated Christie and Analyse for eviction this week with Christie being his main target.
That all led up to yesterday’s POV competition. According to Big Brother Network, Cliff, Holly and Nick were randomly drawn to play for the veto along with Jackson and his two eviction nominees Christie and Analyse.
After everything was played and done, it was Jackson who emerged the winner of the POV comp. So, this is the 3rd friggin week in a row that the reigning HOH has also won the veto to take full control of the power in the house. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, but it’s definitely something.
For this week, I’m kind of glad because that means Christie is definitely leaving this Thursday night, August 22, 2019. We’re about 99.9 percent sure that’s what’s going to happen. You can never be a full 100 percent in Big brother, but this is really close to it.
Jackson wants Christie gone. He’s been expressing that agenda for a long time now. He wanted her out last week when Tommy saved her. There’s no one to save Christie and her big mouth now. She’s out.
The POV Ceremony is scheduled to take place tomorrow, August 19, 2019. We totally expect to see Jackson not use his veto and keep his Christie and Analyse eviction nominations the same, leaving Christie as a sitting duck to get evicted over Analyse.
Most everyone has expressed that they would vote Christie out over Analyse. So, Christie’s demise is pretty much good as done.
For the next couple of days, we’re just going to go through the motions. You can think of Christie as being on Big Brother death row. She’s just waiting for her day to arrive.
Some interesting conversations took place on the Big Brother LIVE feeds yesterday after the POV comp.
At around 3:40 pm pacific time, August 17, 2019, poor Christie was seen bawling her eyes out after losing the the POV comp. Christie was a good sport though. She congratulated Jackson for winning the veto.
Jackson responded by telling Christie it was nothing personal. He only targeted her because she’s a strong player and a threat to his game.
At around 7 pm, Christie was seen saying she would give up the prize money for a chance to just stick around and play for free because she likes the game so much. I find that statement to be so weird because she was just screaming that hated the game the other day. Which one is it with this chick?
Anyways, at around 10 pm, Christie was seen telling Jessica to team up with Analyse and Nick if and when she’s evicted.
At around 11:20 pm, Jackson was seen telling Analyse, “I didn’t want you to go, and I don’t think you will.” Analyse said, “I have issues with Holly.” Jackson then encouraged Analyse to go talk to Holly about it.
At around 12:05 am today, August 18, 2019, Jessica told Cliff, “Christie has no chance to stay.” Cliff said, “I hope Jackson is the next target so we can stay under the radar.” Geez, I hope Cliff and Jessica don’t float to the end. Ugh. That would be a terrible final two. Then on second thought, I’m really rooting for any of these people this season.
Anyways, that was it for all the significant LIVE feed conversations from yesterday and into the early morning hours of today.
You guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here. After that, it’s just $5.99 a month.
How do you guys feel about Jackson winning the POV comp this week? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
The next, new Big Brother season 21 episode is scheduled to air tonight, August 18, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
We expect it to feature the HOH competition, the nomination ceremony, various conversation footage and more. So, be sure to tune in for that one to catch all of that great stuff.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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I want Jackson to win VETO!!!