Big Brother 21 Spoilers: New Eviction Nominees And Twist Winner Revealed For August 24, 2019

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We hope you guys are having an excellent weekend so far. We are back at you again on this beautiful Saturday to tell you some more important news for this current season 21.
The eviction nomination ceremony did take place yesterday,August 23, 2019 along with the results of the new Prank Week prankster vote.
Whoever received the most votes from America got to take half of the reigning HOH (Head Of Household) Holly’s power. Before we get into the results of these two very important events, we’re just going to do a brief recap of this week so far.
This past Thursday night, August 22, 2019, Analyse exited the Big Brother house over Christie by a landslide vote of 5-1. Christie was apparently able to flip the votes in her favor, which was insane.
After Analyse left the house, the houseguests competed for the new HOH. It was basically a crap shoot contest that Holly ended up winning. So, she is now the new ruler of the house.
Well, actually she’s half ruler. Due to the new Prank Week twist that’s in play, America voted for one of the houseguests to take half her nomination power.
That lucky houseguest is Nick. That’s right, guys. America opted to give Nick half the power this week. He will be able to nominate one houseguest for eviction. If that houseguest comes down, Nick will also be able to name the replacement nominee.
According to Big Brother Network,Nick had privately confirmed he won the prankster vote to the Big Brother cameras.
Production had apparently met with each houseguest in the diary room to let them know if they won it or not.
All of that brings us to the big nomination ceremony. During it, Holly’s one and only nomination turned out to be Nick. So, even though Nick took over Holly’s half of the HOH nominations, he was indeed able to be nominated himself.
After Nick was revealed to be the first nominee, it was revealed that Nick chose Christie to be the second nominee.
That means both Nick and Christie are currently up for eviction this week. If Christie comes down, Nick will be able to name her replacement nominee. If Nick comes down, I believe Holly will name his replacement nominee since he was her nomination.
Big Brother Network pointed out that Nick and Christie had another little argument just before the nomination ceremony. So, that could have played into Nick putting her up. Whatever the case, they’re both up on the block right now.
The Power Of Veto competition is the next big event that’s scheduled to play out. It’s expected to happen later on today, August 24, 2019. So, be sure to look out for our report on the winner of it.
Some interesting conversations took place on the Big Brother LIVE feeds after the nomination ceremony yesterday. At around 5:39 pm pacific time August 23, 2019, Jackson was seen telling Holly he thinks Nicole won the prankster vote.
Jackson said, “No one else would’ve nominated Christie. Nicole has a bad poker face, and I could just tell it was her after the nomination ceremony.”
So, it appears Jackson is still trying to pin stuff on Nicole. First, it was his hinky vote earlier in the season and now this.
At around 6:01 pm, Cliff was seen telling Holly and Jackson he thinks Nick won the prankster vote based on the Christie nomination. Jackson was still saying he thinks it’s Nicole.
At around 6:30 pm, Nicole told Nick, “If I win the veto, I would like to use it on you even though a lot of people would be mad at me.” Nicole also told Nick she needs him in the game.
It was also revealed that Nicole, Cliff and Jessica’s punishment for scoring the lowest scores in the HOH comp was to take pies to the face. They were seen on the LIVE feeds throwing pies on their own faces. So, that will be fun to watch on the next episode.
At around 9:16 pm, Christie revealed that she thinks Nick won the prankster vote. However, Jackson again mentioned that he thinks it’s Nicole. Christie said Nicole was her first instinct because she came out of the Diary Room kind of emotional.
At around 9:19 pm, Tommy said he thinks he would be Christie’s replacement if Christie came off the block. Nick assured Tommy that he’s good this week. Since Nick would be the one doing the replacing if Christie comes down that’s actually very significant intel even though Tommy doesn’t know it.
Alright guys. That’s all the interesting conversations that took place on the Big Brother LIVE feeds last night.
You guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here. After that, it’s just $5.99 a month.
Obviously, there’s still a lot of things that need to happen before we can get a much clearer picture of who’s going to jury this week.
How do you guys feel about Nick and Christie getting thrown on the eviction chopping block? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
The next, new Big Brother season 21 episode is scheduled to air tomorrow night, August 25, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
We expect it to feature the prankster vote results, the nomination ceremony, various conversation footage, the Zingbot and more. So, tune in for that one if you want to see all of that play out.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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