New ‘This Is Us’ Spoilers For Season 4, October 15, 2019 Episode 4 Revealed

Hey, “This Is Us” fans. We hope you guys enjoyed tonight’s episode 3. Now that it’s officially aired and just a thing of the past, it’s time to see what your favorite show has in store for you in next week’s new episode 4.
Thanks to the wonderful folks over at NBC, we do have a few teaser descriptions for next week’s installment. So, we’ll definitely be using those for this spoiler session.
NBC’s press release revealed that the new episode 4 is officially titled, “Flip A Coin.” It sounds like episode 4 will feature some pretty interesting scenes as Kevin looks back on his past. Rebecca pays Randall a visit. Beth’s mother shows up. Kate and Toby experience new situations and more.
We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the Kevin situation. It turns out that Kevin will be in a very nostalgic mood in this episode. At some point, we’ll see him take the time to sit down and reflect on his past.
NBC’s official description tells us, “Kevin reflects on his past.” What will Kevin gain from doing this? That’s a big question for this particular storyline. We’re not sure, but we can officially tell you guys that Kevin will eventually try to offer a lot of support to a few people in episode 5.
So, whatever Kevin does in this 4th episode will definitely yield some positive effects for him moving forward.
The second spoiler scoop reveals that Rebecca will step out and do something a little different in this episode. At some point, she will roll up to college to pay Randall a visit. NBC’s description tells us, “Rebecca visits Randall at college.”
What will result from this visit? That’s a big question for this particular situation. We couldn’t track down what exactly happens during Rebecca’s visit, but we are officially hearing that Randall will encounter a few concerns about his family at some point in episode 5. So, look for some drama to build around Randall’s current family situation in the near future.
The 3rd spoiler teaser reveals that Beth will get a unique surprise in this episode. At some point, Beth’s mother is going to show up on the scene to pay a visit. NBC’s description for that scenario reads like this, “Beth’s mom comes to visit.”
How will Beth respond to this surprise visit from her mother? That’s an important question for this particular storyline. We’ll certainly have to wait and see.
We couldn’t find and future spoilers for Beth beyond this episode right now. It sounds like this episode 4 storyline could deliver an interesting scene though.
Lastly, NBC served up a 4th teaser description. It reveals that Toby and Kate will certainly have their hands full with baby Jack. They will share a lot of new experiences with baby Jack. NBC’s description tells us, “Kate and Toby share new experiences with Baby Jack.”
What will these new experiences entail exactly? That’s a big question for this particular plotline. Whatever the case, it sounds like we could get some semi-interesting scenes out of this storyline. So, get ready for it in episode 4.
NBC also released a new preview clip for episode 4. It features a few flashbacks of when Randall and Beth were in school. Beth’s mother Carol is featured in the flashbacks and in present tense.
In the present tense is when things get very dramatic as Randall totally blows up at Carol for trying to tell him what they’re going to do.
Randall tells Carol, “Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do, Carol!” You guys can view the new preview clip for episode 4 over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
NBC’s press release confirmed that episode 4 is indeed scheduled to air next Tuesday night, October 15, 2019 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “This Is Us” report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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