‘Survivor’ October 30, 2019 Voted Off Jason Linden (Recap)

Hey,”Survivor” fans. Tonight, October 30, 2019, another new episode did indeed air, and another unlucky person got sent packing at the end of it. However, the votes were much closer, coming down to the wire.
Tonight’s episode kicked off with Noura expressing to the private cams that she doesn’t trust Jack and Jamal. She decided to tell Dean all about her feelings of mistrust for Jack and Jamal, and she tried to form a plan with Dean to get them out.
It turns out that Noura should have also had those same feelings of mistrust for Dean because Dean turned right around and told the private cams, “I would never work with Noura. She’s crazy. She’s all over the place.”
If that weren’t enough, Dean ran and told Jamal and Jack all about Noura’s devious plans to get them out. So, that of course put Noura at the top of Jack and Jamal’s hit list.
At one point, Aaron was seen telling Jason, “I would be willing to vote Elaine out next.” Jason was on board with that. Hell, why not?
Next, host Jeff Probst showed up with the Rewards challenge. In it, the tribes had to push one tribemember on a sled. Then they had to retrieve a whole bunch of bags. Next, they had to use a key to unlock slingshots.
Then they had to use the slingshots to shoot the bags at targets. The first team to knock down three targets, won. The Vokai tribe completed it first for the win. They won some chickens as a prize.
Elaine was chosen to sit out of the Rewards challenge before it began. Then Jeff told Elaine she had to head to the “Island of the Idols” right that second. So, she didn’t even get to watch the Rewards challenge.
During Elaine’s visit to the Island Of The Idols, she was greeted by Boston Rob and Sandra. They presented her with a new test. During this test, Elaine had to grab a vote advantage that’s hidden at the next immunity challenge.
She had to secretly get it without being seen. If she failed, she lost her vote at the next tribal council. They also had Elaine randomly draw the next person to visit “Island of the Idols.”
After that, they showed footage of Jack making a racial stereotype joke to Jamal about wearing a durag. Jack quickly apologized to Jamal about it because he felt very bad. Jamal accepted Jack’s apology.
Jamal also told the private cams that Jack’s apology meant a lot because he doesn’t usually get apologies for that type of stuff.
Next, Elaine was back from the Island Of The Idols, and she told Elizabeth about her Island Of the Idols test since ELizabeth has already been there. ELizabeth was very encouraging saying, “You need to pull this off.”
After that, they showed Immunity Challenge footage. During it, the two tribes had to dig under a bamboo cage and pick it up. The they had run with the cage to collect balls from various tables. Once they collected all the balls from all the tables, they had to shoot the balls into 5 targets for the win.
Lairo ended up coming from behind for an exciting win! So, the Vokai tribe had to decide who to send packing next. Also, Elaine revealed to the private cams that she successfully got the vote advantage without being seen. The vote advantage gave Elaine the ability to block one of the votes at tribal council, which was huge during this specific tribal council.
Next, we saw more conversation footage. Elaine and Liz talked about Elaine’s “block the vote” advantage. They got Missy and Aaron on board. However, Aaron told the private cams he still wanted to get Elaine out. So, he made plans with some of the others to vote out Elaine.
Lauren told Missy and Liz about the plan to vote out Elaine. Missy and Liz expressed to the private cams that they didn’t want to vote out Elaine. Instead, they tossed out some other names like Lauren and Dan heading into tribal council. So, once again, things seemed way up in the air heading into tribal council.
At tribal council, they talked about which group had the advantage. Jason, Aaron and Dan said they were willing to pick rocks.
Elaine said, “I don’t like picking rocks.” So, she pulled out her “block the vote” advantage and read it out loud. Then she decided to block Jason’s vote. Jason was pissed telling Elaine, “Why me? We could’ve been friends.” Elaine said, “We can still be friends.”
From there, some of them started spreading whispers to vote out Elaine. At one point, Lauren was seen mouthing to Missy to vote out Elaine. Missy looked like she was going for it.
Shortly after that, Lauren just started crying. So, things got quite emotional and weird at that point. Finally, everyone cast their votes to end this crazy tribal council meeting.
Elaine ended up getting 3 votes, and Jason received 4 votes. So, with a 4-3 vote, Jason was voted off the Island. It came right down to that last vote. As Jason made his exit, he told everyone “Don’t trust Aaron.” So, that was very interesting.
How do you guys feel about Jason Linden getting voted off Survivor season 39 in tonight’s October 30, 2019 episode? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
The next, new Survivor season 39 episode is scheduled to air next Wednesday night, November 6, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Survivor” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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