‘Survivor’ November 6, 2019 Voted Off Jack Nichting (Recap)

Hey,”Survivor” fans. Tonight, November 7, 2019, another new episode did indeed air, and another very unlucky person was sent on their way off the island after getting voted off. This one was filled with some major twists.
Tonight’s episode kicked off with some conversation footage. Lauren expressed to the private cams that she felt lied to for being on the outside of the last tribal council vote, which featured Jason Linden’s demise. Missy tried to do some damage control with Lauren at one point when Lauren started crying.
Over at the Lairo tribe, Kellee expressed to the private cams her frustrations with trying to work with Jamal. Apparently, Jamal really ticked Kellee off when they were making fire. Everyone suggested that Kellee do it after Jamal failed many times.
They knew Kellee was better than him. However, Jamal still thought he could give Kellee advice on how to do it. That pissed her off, and she walked off. She later came back and made the fire with no problems once Jamal was out of the picture.
Jamal also ticked off Noura by telling her she had gotten too much of the food or something. Noura told the private cams, “I’m so over Jamal and his remarks.”
After that, they showed footage of the ladies talking about targeting Dean next. Then they showed Janet going to the “Island of the Idols.” She was, of course, greeted by Boston Rob and Sandra. Their lesson for Janet was “calculated risk.”
They presented a challenge to Janet in the form of a risk vs. reward game. They didn’t explain what the details of the game are. They just told her what she could win and what she could lose.
If Janet won the game, she would get safety from being voted out at tribal council. This safety could be used until there’s only seven people left in the game. If she lost the challenge, she would lose her vote at the next tribal council.
Ultimately, Janet decided not to play the challenge. Rob and Sandra were impressed by Janet’s decision making. They said she was the first one to not accept the challenge this season.
Later, Janet was seen telling everyone that she was offered to play a game for a reward, but she chose not to play it.
Next, they showed more conversation footage. Lauren started talking about targeting Dan to save herself and Tommy. She expressed this plan to Tommy. Afterwards, Lauren and Tommy started campaigning to get Dan out.
They used tactics to try to make Dan look bad. Missy picked up on their plot and realized how dangerous Tommy and Lauren are as a couple. So, she told the private cams she plans to take Tommy away from Lauren so she will have to turn to them.
Wow, Missy is pretty sharp and brutal. She’s been responsible for quite a few of these elimination results.
Next, they showed the immunity challenge footage. During it, the two tribes had to shoot coconuts into a basket until it caused their puzzle pieces to drop.
Once the tribes were able to get their very large and heavy puzzle pieces to drop, they had to move them to a table and piece together the puzzle for the win. The Vokai tribe ended up winning it in a very close race by just one puzzle piece! So, the Lairo peeps had to decide who to send packing next.
Dean’s name was immediately brought up as the target for this tribal council. Jamal was the main one spearheading the plan to get Dean out.
The guys lied to Dean to make him feel very comfortable and safe. However, Kellee had other more devious plans in mind. Kellee started contemplating using her last chance to use her immunity idol on Dean!
She revealed to the private cams that she wanted Dean to help her target Jack or Jamal. She also wanted to get Noura to vote off Jamal or Jack. It was a very elaborate plan she wanted to pull off.
Kellee also pointed out that she needed to give Dean her immunity idol before tribal council so she wouldn’t out herself as flipping.
Eventually, Kellee decided to go for it. She was seen telling Dean, “Everyone is planning to vote you out, but I have an immunity idol, and I want to give it to you.”
Dean told the private cams that he was really shocked by Kellee’s revelation. The guys totally had him fooled. So, he definitely saw Kellee as a life saver and was willing to do whatever she wanted heading into tribal council.
At tribal council, Noura implied that she has trouble trusting Dean because he barely makes eye contact with her. Jamal said, “I’m not sure I’ll be here tomorrow. I’m fearful there’s a women’s alliance, and they’ve got the numbers.”
Eventually, everyone voted. However, before the votes were read, Dean played Kellee’s immunity idol. Then Jamal played his immunity idol. However, Jamal played it to save Noura. Apparently, Jamal thought Noura was a potential target to get voted off.
After that set of events, host Jeff Probst revealed that Dean got a whopping 5 votes that did not count since he played Kellee’s immunity idol, and that Jack got the other two votes. So, with those 2 votes, Jack had to tell everybody good luck and goodbye to Survivor season 39.
Noura was seen telling Jamal, “I’m so sorry you wasted your idol on me.” It’s so funny because that’s exactly what he did. Jamal totally wasted that immunity idol because Noura didn’t even receive one, single vote.
How do you guys feel about poor Jack Nichting getting voted off the island in tonight’s November 6, 2019 episode due to Kellee’s immunity idol plan? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
The next, new Survivor season 39 episode is scheduled to air next Wednesday night, November 13, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
This one will be a special 2-hour episode that will feature the merge. Since it’s a 2-hour episode, we’re guessing it’ll probably feature a double elimination. We’ll have to wait and see.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Survivor TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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when did Jamaal get an idol?