‘Power’ Spoilers For Season 6, January 5, 2020 Episode 11 Revealed

‘Power’ Spoilers For Season 6, January 5, 2020 Episode 11 Revealed

Hey, “Power” fans. We are back with a brand new article for your favorite show “Power.” It’s finally returning from its long, Fall hiatus with the new episode 11 tonight, January 5, 2020. So, we’re here to tell you all about it.

The wonderful people over at STARZ revealed a new teaser description for the main episode 11 storyline. Starz also released a new preview clip for episode 11. We’ll talk about it ,and we’ll give you a link to that clip so you can see it for yourselves. So, let’s get into it.

For starters, the official title for episode 11 is called, “Still DRE.” It sounds like episode 11 will feature some very dramatic, super intense,possible action-filled and interesting scenes.

In the new episode 11, Dre will apparently get framed for the murder of Jason Micic by Ghost. This unfortunate situation will leave Dre with very few options in the big apple. He will have no one to turn to and no place to go.

In light of this very harsh, new reality, Dre will start plotting up a new scheme that if successful will result in him getting the hell out of New York.

However, Dre is not going to set this plan into motion right away. Oh, no,no,no. There’s some unfinished business that Dre must take care of before he’s ready to make his exit from the big city.

STARZ official description for episode 11 reads like this, “After being framed by Ghost for the murder of Jason Micic, Dre ,with nowhere to run, plans on leaving New York. But first, he needs to take care of unfinished business.”

What is this unfinished business that Dre needs to take care of before taking off? Will Dre successfully get the hell out of New York? Those are some very important questions for this particular storyline. We’ll certainly have to wait and see.

Whatever the case,I think we will definitely see a bunch of intense and dramatic scenes from this new Dre storyline. So, definitely get prepped for it tonight.

The new preview clip for episode 11 starts off revealing that several suspects have been acquired for the shooting of James St. Patrick aka Ghost.

All the suspects are seen getting heavily interrogated in a very dark room. Tariq is seen saying, “Shoot my own father! Look, I don’t even know if he’s ok. Why won’t you tell me? I need to know. My family needs to know if my dad is alive or not.”

After that, the clip cuts to Paz saying, “Someone shot Jamie? Good. He deserves to pay for what he did to Angelita (aka Angela). I’ve got nothing to confess.”

Tasha says, “I confess. James and I have problems in our marriage. We lost our daughter Raina. I just can’t imagine what our lives would look like without him.”

Dre is seen saying, “I ain’t got a reason to shoot him if I’m helping you. I guess I’ll go back to being a civilian while you figure this out.”

Rashad is seen saying, “I’m running to be New York’s first, elected, black Governor. Why would I shoot him? Do you know something I don’t know?”

At one point, Cooper says, “Ghost is a drug king pin with a long list of enemies. Any one of them could’ve shot him. I was this close to putting him away for life. If I had, none of this would have happened. Okay, that sounded like a confession, but it’s not.”

Tommy says, “If you knew anything, you’d know by now I ain’t no snitch. So, if me talking is the bast you got to figuring out who shot Ghost, you out of luck. I did not shoot James St, Patrick!”

It all looks pretty intense. You guys can view the new episode 11 preview clip over on Youtube by Clicking Here.

STARZ confirmed that episode 11 is scheduled to air tonight, January 5, 2020 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Power” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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