‘FBI Most Wanted’ Season 1, February 4, 2020 Episode 5 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “FBI: Most Wanted” fans. Unfortunately, it’s that time where we have to tell you that CBS isn’t going to air the next,new episode 5 of FBI: Most Wanted tonight, February 4, 2020. The good news is that this particular delay in the schedule will not last past this week.
We can officially tell you that CBS is scheduled to air the new episode 5 of FBI: Most Wanted next Tuesday night, February 11, 2020 in its usual 9 pm central standard time slot on CBS of course. So, be sure to mark down that very, very important date on you TV show schedules as soon as you can.
So, what will CBS air instead of “FBI: Most Wanted” tonight? According to the TV Guide listings, CBS along with ABC and NBC have cleared out a full 2 hours of their primetime line up to air LIVE coverage of the “STATE OF THE UNION 2020” special. It’s going to air from 8 pm to 10 pm central standard time.
If any of you are interested in catching the LIVE CBS coverage of the State Of The Union 2020 special, it’s all yours tonight. Just watch CBS as usual. For those of you who are not interested in seeing the State Of The Union 2020 special, you will most certainly want to find something else to watch or do real quick.
With all that said, we were able to get a hold of some new promotional material for the next, new episode 5 of FBI: Most Wanted. CBS served up an official press release and preview clip for it.
These items do contain spoilers. So, if you don’t like spoilers, we urge you to stop reading this article right now.
If you don’t mind spoilers, by all means please continue reading this article. Now that our spoiler warning is out there, let’s go over this new episode 5 press release. To start, it’s officially titled, “Invisible.”
It sounds like episode 15 will feature some very intense, dramatic, action-filled, dangerous and emotional scenes.
In the new episode 15, the brother of a military veteran that’s suffering from PTSS will end up dying. In light of this terrible tragedy, the military veteran will snap and push the FBI crew to their limits with his very expert sniping abilities!
This particular case will start to hit very close to home for Crosby at some point, and it will cause his personal struggles to come to the surface.
CBS’ official description for episode 5 reads like this,”When a military veteran suffering from PTSS snaps after the death of his brother in arms, the decorated sniper’s expert abilities push the team to their limits.
Also, Crosby’s personal struggles bubble to the surface when the case begins to hit too close to home.”
The new preview clip for episode 5 features the sniper guy in action. Sheryl is seen saying of the sniper, “He’s tuned the tables on the people hunting him. Mainly us.”
Jess is seen telling the team of the sniper, “He’s playing with us. Testing us. Seeing how good we are. Let’s not let him down!” It looks very action-filled and intense just like we thought it would. You guys can view the new preview clip for episode 5 over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
Episode 5 will feature quite a few guest stars. They are: Cillian O’Sullivan as character (Scot Weitzen), Kersti Bryan as character (Tina Naylene), Karl Kenzler as character (Henry Macula), Andrew Casanova as character (Sgt. Francis), Narada Campbellas character (Lt.Sclera), Zach Gaviria as character (Del).
Guest stars continued: Ian Michael Stuart as character (Lenn Rivard), Eddie McGee as character (Injured Vet), Slate Holmgren as character (Cpl. Palmer/Gungrave), Carolyn Baeumler as character (Corina Weitzen), Zak Corrigan as character (Josh Miller), Angel Giuffria as character (Laura), Aaron David Kapner as character (A-USA Lawyer), Nate Richman as character (SWAT Officer), Aramis M. Klein as character (Clerk) and Kendra Farn as character (TV Reporter).
Episode 5 will feature a couple of recurring stars. They are: Yaya Gosselin as character (Tali LaCroix), Lorne Cardinal as character (Nelson Skye) and Irene Bedard as character (Marilou Skye).
The season regulars that will be featured in episode 5 are: Julian McMahon as character (Jess LaCroix), Kellan Lutz as character (Kenny Crosby), Roxy Sternberg as character (Sheryll Barnes), Keisha Castle-Hughes as character (Hana Gibson) and Nathaniel Arcand as character (Clinton Skye).
Episode 5 was written by Dwaine Worrell, and it was directed by Elodie Keene. Again, CBS confirmed that episode 5 is scheduled to air next Tuesday night, February 11, 2020 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “FBI: Most Wanted” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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