‘Chicago PD’ Season 7, April 1, 2020 Episode 19 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “Chicago P.D.” fans. We are right back in your face this week to deliver to you a great, big warning. We have just come to find out that NBC does not plan on airing the next, new episode 19 of Chicago PD’s current season 7 tonight, April 1, 2020.
You shouldn’t get too sad about it though because we do have official confirmation from NBC that they do plan on airing the new episode 19 next Wednesday night, April 8, 2020 in its usual 9 pm central standard time slot.
So, do everything you possibly can to not forget that very important date and time. Write it down, program it into your DVRs. Do whatever you have to do to not forget it.
Ok, so what is NBC airing instead of the new episode 19 of Chicago PD’s current season 7 tonight? According to the TV guide listings, NBC is going to air a repeat episode of Chicago PD. So, you guys won’t totally be without Chicago PD tonight, especially if you haven’t seen this repeat episode before.
The repeat episode they’re airing is the 11th episode of this season 7. It’s titled, “43rd and Normal.”
NBC’s official description for it reads like this, “Ruzek and Burgess’s secret begins to have severe implications for their police work. A series of deadly acts of vandalism causes tensions to run high in the insular neighborhood of Canaryville. Atwater tries to reach out to his brother, but only pushes him further away.”
If any of you guys have not seen this episode before when it originally aired, or if you just want to watch it again, tonight will be the time to do that. If you have no desire in watching this repeat episode, you will most certainly want to get some other plans together rather quickly.
Now that all the bad news it out of the way, we do have something for you guys to look forward to. NBC did serve up the official press release for the next, new episode 19 of Chicago PD’s current season 7. So, we’re going to tell you what to expect when your favorite show finally returns next week.
However, before we do that, we need to tell you that this episode 19 press release does contain light spoiler teasers. So, if you’re one of those people that just despises the living daylights out of spoilers, we highly suggest that you close this article out immediately.
On the flip side of that, if you’re one of those people who totally seeks out spoilers at every turn, or you just don’t mind seeing them, we totally think you should stick around.
Alright, now that our spoiler warning is in plain view for everyone, let’s get into this episode 19 press release.
To start, it lets us know that episode 19 is officially titled, “BURIED SECRETS.” It sounds like episode 19 will feature some very intense, dramatic, action-filled, suspenseful and interesting scenes.
In the new episode 19, Ruzek will be a witness to the kidnapping of a woman. In response to this, the Chicago PD crew will race against time to crack this case!
Elsewhere, Burgess and Ruzek will have an odd situation occur. At some point, Bugess will try to connect with Ruzek, but then ,all of a sudden, he will try to start distancing himself from her!
NBC’s official description for episode 19 reads like this, “The clock is on after Ruzek witnesses a woman’s kidnapping and the team races to put the pieces together. Burgess tries to connect with Ruzek outside of work but he mysteriously distances himself from her.”
Again, NBC confirmed that the next, new episode 19 of Chicago PD’s current season 7 is scheduled to air next Wednesday night, April 8, 2020 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Chicago P.D.” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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