Big Brother 22 Spoilers: September 25, 2020 Eviction Nominees Revealed

Big Brother 22 Spoilers: September 25, 2020 Eviction Nominees Revealed

Hey, fellow Big Brother fans. We are back at you on this Friday night to give you the results of the eviction nomination ceremony that took place in the Big Brother season 22, All-Stars house earlier today, September 25, 2020.

As we previously reported,Cody ended up winning the HOH (Head Of Household) competition last night to become the new head honcho of the house for a second time this season. That means he was in charge of today’s eviction nominations.

When Cody’s nomination ceremony was all said and done, it was confirmed that David and Kevin were indeed nominated for eviction this week, but it’s still very early. There’s still a POV (Power Of Veto) competition that’s left to be played along with more campaigning and so on and so forth.

As we previously reported, the ultimate Big Brother legend Dr.Will Kirby is currently living right next door to the housguests to implement the new “Neighbor Week” twist in the POV comp.

The Neighbor Week twist is designed to entice housguests with certain prizes during the HOH and POV comps to lure them away from trying to win the comp.

If the prizes are irresistible enough, it’s slightly possible we could see a shake-up of some sort in tomorrow’s POV comp. I doubt it, but the possibility is there with this new twist in play. We will definitely be back to report the results of tomorrow’s POV competition. So, look out for that.

As for who Cody’s target is, we’re not really sure. He did have an argument with Kevin earlier today, and it was pretty serious. Cody took offense to some things Kevin said about him being HOH this week.

Kevin tried to say that Cody’s trying play the victim this week about it being hard to nominate people, and Cody got real ticked off about that. Kevin quickly apologized for possibly offending Cody and quickly got the hell out of there.

Cody couldn’t stop talking about how mad Kevin made him with his comments. He described it as Kevin was taking jabs at him. So, Kevin was definitely not on Cody’s good side in that moment.

On the other hand, Cody just got through telling David that he totally admires him as a person. He also told David, “I got your back.”

So, if I had to put some weight on those two conversations, I would say that Kevin would be more likely to be a target over David at this point. Again ,though, there is still a POV comp to be played tomorrow, and we’re sure the houseguests are waiting for the results of it to plot out their next moves.

How do you guys feel about David and Kevin getting nominated for eviction this week? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.

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Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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