The Bachelor January 18, 2021 Eliminated Marylynn, Alana, Sydney, Kristin, Illeana & Sarah Quit (Recap)

Hey, Bachelor Nation fans. Tonight, January 18, 2021, another new episode of The Bachelor 2021 edition with headliner Matt James did indeed hit the airwaves, and another couple of women did make their exit after it was all over with.
Tonight’s episode kicked off with the crazy aftermath of Sarah fainting at the rose ceremony. Matt gave her a hug. She said she was so embarrassed. Matt told her, “All that matters is how you feel.” Sarah apologized to all the other girls.
Victoria said snarky things about Sarah to the private cams. She said, “This isn’t the Sarah show, but she didn’t get the memo.”
After all of that , Matt did finish up the rose ceremony from last week’s episode. Everyone got a rose except for poor: Marylynn, Alana, Sydney, Kristin, and Illeana. Yep, Matt did decide to keep crazy Victoria over Marylynn.
Victoria told the private cams, “Marylynn is gone. Now, Sarah needs to go. All the other fake b%$ches need to go. Skedaddle.”
From there, we got footage of host Chris Harrison showing up to tell the ladies there’s going to be 2 group dates and one 1 on 1 date. Then he gave them the first date card. It revealed that Matt chose to take Rachael, Bri, Kit, Serena C, Victoria, Khayla, Anna, Kaili and Katie on a group date.
He took them to see former Bachelor Nation fav Ashley Iaconetti Haibon. She told them they would be writing their own love story with Matt, and they will read it in front of a LIVE, studio audience.
Some of the LIVE audience featured the other ladies that were not on the group date. Sarah was one of those women, and she expressed to the private cams that she was very upset to see the other women flirting with Matt on the group date, love letter challenge. She said, “I felt dirty watching that.”
During the second half of the group date, Matt talked 1 on 1 with Rachael at one point. He told her, “I like how our relationship is progressing.” Rachael reciprocated those feelings, and they kissed. So, that was a very good conversation for them. Matt talked 1 on 1 with Bri. They had a good time and kissed.
Then we got more footage of distraught Sarah telling the private cams,”I feel emotionally exhausted. I worry if I can’t get past this. I feel like I should do something about it.”
So, Sarah barged in on the group date when Matt was talking to Katie, and took up her time to talk to Matt. Katie definitely didn’t like that, and she went back and told the other girls about it.
They were totally ticked off that Sarah was taking time away from them on their group date. Victoria told Katie to go back and interrupt Sarah to get her time back with Matt. So, Katie did do that. She asked Sarah, “Can I get my time back? Sara told her, “I’ll give him back in 5 minutes.” Katie said, “Make it 2 minutes.”
Sarah told Matt, “It was a lot to process what the girls did on the group date challenge.” Matt told Sarah, “Just focus on how it was with our 1 on 1. That’s all that matters.”
Sarah told the other women she was sorry for interrupting their group date. They didn’t accept it, and they asked her why she did it. They told her, “The damage is already done. It was very disrespectful.”
Later on, Victoria ran out to talk to Sarah. She told Sarah, “I don’t think you’re malicious, but you took up our time and changed the vibe up.” Katie joined to ask Sarah if she’s feeling insecure. She ultimately told Sarah she could’ve waited until a later time to talk to Matt.
Katie told the private cams, “For Sarah to interrupt me was extremely frustrating, especially since she’s already had an entire 1 on 1 date with him.”
After all of that drama, Matt finally rejoined the rest of the girls on the group date, and he gave Rachael the group date rose.
Anna told the private cams, “Time is a commodity, and Sarah is a billionaire right now.” Serena C told the private cams, “Sarah burned all the bridges. It’s so irritating. I’m so frustrated.” Meanwhile, Katie complained to the other girls at the house about how Sarah crashed their group date. They were all shocked.
Next, it was time for Matt to take Serena P out on a 1 on 1 date, but Sarah managed to take a bit of time away from that too! Apparently, Sarah was feeling real bad and never came out of her room. When the girls told Matt about it, he took time from he and Serena P’s date to go talk to Sarah.
During this conversation, Sarah told Matt she was contemplating leaving. Matt told her, “That would be a tragedy. You’re on my mind. I haven’t forgotten about our time we spent together. I will come here everyday to remind you if that’s what it takes. Then they kissed.”
Meanwhile, the other girls complained that Sarah is manipulating Matt’s emotions. Matt eventually told the other girls, “I would have done that for anyone who’s feeling that way. We’re all human at the end of the day.” The other girls just kept complaining that Sarah is taking advantage of Matt’s niceness.
Finally, Matt took Serena P out on their 1 on 1 date. They went to ride some horses. They had a little picnic. Then they talked. At one point, he told her, “The feelings I’m having for you are real, and they kissed.”
Serena told the private cams, “I’m falling in like with Matt right now. I’m surprised by how much I like him right now. It’s just weird.”
During the second half of their date, Matt told the private cams, “Serena has exceeded all my expectations so far.” They had drinks. Serena told Matt, “I only had one serious relationship in the past.”
Later, she told Matt, “I could definitely potentially see myself falling in love with you.” Matt definitely like that as he eventually gave her a rose, and they kissed. Then they jumped in the hot tub and kissed again.
Back at the house, Sarah eventually talked to all of the girls again. She apologized to them again and told them she meant no disrespect. She said, “I didn’t expect this to get this difficult this fast.” They told her, “You’re completely monopolizing all of Matt’s time. It’s very annoying that you took time away from our group date to talk to Matt about your problems.”
Victoria told Sarah, “I do not accept your apology even if you said it 20 more times.” Victoria told the private cams, “If Matt ever sends Sarah home, I will want to F him because that would be so hot that he could see through her BS.”
Most of the girls told Sarah they’re going to make the rest of her time there a living nightmare.
Later on, Katie told Sarah that was hard for her to watch the other girls treat her that way. Sarah said she was going to leave. Katie told Sarah, “You should explore your relationship with Matt so that he knows ,for sure, what he wants.”
Sarah still said she should go and work on herself and to also be with her dad that’s terminally ill. Katie empathized with Sarah because she said her dad died in 2012.
Sarah told the private cams, “Matt deserves the best, and I don’t feel that I’m at my best. I have to tell Matt I can’t be here. I hope he understands.” Meanwhile, Katie told the other girls that Sarah left. Victoria clapped her hands to that.
Sarah told Matt, “I was attacked by so many of the women in the house. I also am doubting whether I can go through with this and be away from my family situation.”
Matt told Sarah, “I don’t wanna lose you. Our time meant something to me.” Sarah said, “I prayed about this, and I just feel really called to go home and be with my family. I just don’t feel like I’m ready for this. I’m so sorry. I just can’t do this.”
Matt said, “Don’t apologize. I’ll be paying for your dad. You’re going to make some guy really lucky one day. I’m gonna miss you. Let me walk you out.” They eventually hugged goodbye. Sarah left in tears. She was terribly distraught.
She told the private cams, “That’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. He’s amazing. I just can’t do this. This isn’t the best Sarah, and Matt deserves the best. Part of me thinks I’m making a mistake because he is so incredible.” And that was tonight’s show, guys.
Just to recap, Marylynn, Alana, Sydney, Kristin, and Illeana all got eliminated in this episode. And, of course, Sarah quit.
The next, new episode of The Bachelor 2021 edition with Matt James is scheduled to air next Monday night, January 25, 2021 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on ABC.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “The Bachelor” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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