MacGyver Season 5, April 30, 2021 Episode 15 Is The Finale. Season 6 Sadly Not Happening

MacGyver Season 5, April 30, 2021 Episode 15 Is The Finale. Season 6 Sadly Not Happening

Hey,”MacGyver” fans. We are back in action with some very unfortunate news for you guys. Tonight’s new episode 15 of MacGyver’s current season 5 is not only the season finale episode. It’s the series finale episode! That’s right, guys. That means episode 15 will be the very last episode of MacGyver for friggin ever! Oh, no!

Yep, according to the folks over at TV Line, CBS decided to cancel this latest reboot of MacGyver earlier this month of April 2021. During the cancellation announcement, The president of CBS Entertainment Kelly Kahl had some kind, departing words to say.

He stated, “All of us at CBS are extremely grateful for the incredible work and dedication from Lucas and the rest of the cast, as well as Monica, the writers and the entire crew.

The MacGyver team traveled far and wide to repeatedly save the world with little more than bubble gum and a paper clip and made this show distinctly their own. We’re gratified we get to give this dedicated and loyal fan base the opportunity to say goodbye to their favorite characters in the thoughtful manner this series deserves.”

Additionally, TV Line reported that there was some heavy drama that went on behind the scenes of MacGyver with production. CBS apparently decided to end their relationship with MacGyver’s executive producer Peter M. Lenkov for allegedly creating a very toxic work environment!

The main star of MacGyver Lucas Till aka MacGyver also had some bad things to say about Peter Lenkov. TV Line claims that Till revealed to Vanity Fair that he had endured numerous moments of verbal abuse, bullying and body-shaming from Peter Lenkov.

Till also stated, “I’ve never worked this hard in my life, and I am fine with hard work. But the way Peter treats people is just unacceptable. I was suicidal that first year on the show because of the way he made me feel. But the way he’s treated the people around me. That’s just my breaking point.”

Lucas Till also made an announcement after the cancellation of MacGyver on his official Instagram account stating, “The past five years have been what I will look on later as the most formative years of my life. Lots of tough, lots of love. I made life long friends, actually no, family.

I learned to push myself to new limits, breaking through and through and through. Was nervous to take up the mantle of an icon, and you guys allowed me into your homes and accepted me. I’m like the Roger Moore of MacGyvers now thanks to your support.”

MacGyver season 5 averaged 4.758 million LIVE viewers per episode and a 0.51 ratings score for the 18-49 year old demographics. Those numbers seemed pretty ok. So, I’m guessing MacGyver’s cancellation had a lot more to do with that drama that was going on with production than the show’s numbers. Oh, well. RIP MacGyver reboot.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “MacGyver” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more news on your other favorite shows and stars.

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