Grey’s Anatomy Season 17, May 13, 2021 Episode 15 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Grey’s Anatomy Season 17, May 13, 2021 Episode 15 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “Grey’s Anatomy” fans. Unfortunately, we had to jump back on here ,tonight, to deliver some bad news to you. For some unknown reason, ABC is not going to air the next, new episode 15 of Grey’s Anatomy’s current season 17 tonight, May 13, 2021.

There is some good news in all of this. It turns out that this is just a one-week delay. ABC confirmed that they do plan to air the new episode 15 next Thursday night, May 20, 2021 in its usual 8 pm central standard time slot. So, definitely make sure that very important date and time is glued to your memory.

Here’s what ABC is going to air in place of Grey’s Anatomy’s next, new episode 15, season 17 tonight. According to the TV Guide listings, ABC is going to air a repeat episode of Grey’s Anatomy. They’re going way, way back in time for this repeat episode as they will be re-airing the 16th episode of Grey’s Anatomy’s second season! It’s titled, “It’s the End of the World As We Know It.”

This is a 2-hour episode, guys. It will air from 7 pm to 9 pm central standard time tonight. ABC’s official description for it reads like this, “Meredith’s premonition of having a bad day is realized when a medical case arrives threatening the lives of everyone in the OR. Despite the best efforts of the Seattle Grace staff, the code-black situation escalates.”

If any of you guys are interested in watching this really, really old episode of Grey’s Anatomy, you might still want to flip on ABC tonight as you normally would.

If you only want the new episodes of Grey’s Anatomy, ABC will definitely not be the channel for you tonight. We advise you to schedule something else real quick.

Spoiler Warning: For those of you who are interested, we did track down some new spoiler scoops for the next, new episode 15 of Grey’s Anatomy’s current season 17 from the ABC folks. They printed up some teasers descriptions for it in their official episode 15 press release. So, we’re going to go over it real quick.

To start, ABC revealed that the official title for episode 15 is called, “Tradition.” It sounds like episode 15 will feature some very dramatic, intense, emotional and interesting scenes.

In the new episode 15, Jackson will have a very interesting-sounding scene as he will share some major news with his colleagues! Levi and Koracick will experience a very intense situation as they will fight to rescue a pregnant woman’s grandfather after she goes into labor! Elsewhere, Bailey and Richard will avoid telling Meredith about DeLuca. So, Maggie will keep a very close eye on Meredith.

ABC’s official description for episode 15 reads like this, “Jackson shares his big news with his colleagues while Koracick and Levi fight to save a pregnant woman’s grandfather as she goes into labor. Maggie keeps a watchful eye on Meredith as Bailey and Richard put off telling her about DeLuca.”

Again, ABC confirmed that the next, new episode 15 of Grey’s Anatomy’s current season 17 is scheduled to finally hit your TV screens next Thursday night, May 20, 2021 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Grey’s Anatomy” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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