MasterChef June 23, 2021 Eliminated Elyce Wooten (Recap)

Hey, “MasterChef” fans. Tonight, June 23, 2021, another new episode of MasterChef season 11 did indeed air with judges: Gordon Ramsay, Aarón Sanchez, and Joe Bastianich. They brought on a special, 4th judge named chef Masaharu Morimoto.
Morimoto prepared a Monkfish for the top 15 contestants. And guess what. All of the contestants had to prepare a monkfish dish for this episode’s challenge. They were given a full hour to do so. The winner got a dinner for two to Masaharu Morimoto’s Las Vegas restaurant. The contestant with the worst dish got sent home.
During the one hour, Abe mentioned he was making a pan seared monkfish dish. Autumn said she never worked with fish, and hope she doesn’t go home.
Michael told Gordon and Morimodo he’s making a breadcrumb monkfish. Kelsey told Joe and Aaron she’s going to pan sear the fish as well. They gave her some advice at one point.
Miles told Gordon and Morimoto he was making a honey-glazed monkfish with some potatoes and a lot of other things.
Aaron and Joe talked with Elyce and Suu at one point. Gordon said Miles seemed a little lost. Joe thought Kelsey might be going way out of her comfort zone.
Gordon and Morimoto talked with Tay and gave him some advice. Apparently, he was trying to make a sandwich dish out of the fish. Gordon told Tay, “I don’t want a soggy sandwich.” Tay said, “I’ve never worked with a monkfish before. I don’t know what I’m gonna do.” Eventually, Tay said he had to restart from scratch with his dish with less than 30 minutes to go!
Autumn mentioned to Gordon and Morimoto that she was also pan searing the monkfish with some rice and cauliflower.
Joe and Aaron talked with Annai. Aaron gave her advice on a taco dish she was trying to make with the monkfish.
After the hour was up, Annai said she messed up on the homemade tortillas. So, she had to resort to using store bought tortillas. She said, “I’m not proud of my dish. I might be going home.”
Next, the judges walked around and took a look at everyone’s dishes. Then, they highlighted what they thought were the best 3 dishes. They thought Kelsey, Autumn and Suu had the best 3 dishes. So, they had them present them.
Kelsey was up first. She made a pan seared monkfish dish. Gordon said, “It’s creamy and delicious.” Morimoto said, “It’s great.” Aaron said, “It’s bold.” Joe said, “It was a very well executed and thoughtful dish.” Gordon said, “It looks great.”
Next, Autumn presented a Teriyaki Glazed Monkfish dish. Gordon said, “It looks stunning. It’s cooked beautifully. Great skills.” Morimoto liked it. Aaron said, “The cauliflower is delicious.” Joe said, “Well done.”
Suu presented a Ginger and Kumquat Monkfish dish. Gordon said, “It’s cooked beautifully.” Aaron said, “The mushrooms are cooked so well.” Joe said, “Everything is clear and brilliant.” Morimoto said, “The monkfish is cooked perfectly.”
After that,the judges revealed that Kelsey won for the best dish. So, she got the dinner for two prize. Then the judges revealed that Kelsey, Autumn and Suu are safe from elimination.
Next, the judges revealed that the bottom 3 dishes belonged to Annai, Alejandro and Elyce.
Annai was up first with her Drunken Monkfish Taco dish. Gordon said, “Visually, it looks like you ran out of time.” Morimoto said, “I didn’t feel any flavor or seasonings from it.” Aaron said, “The coleslaw is delicious.” Gordon said, “You cooked the monkfish beautifully.”
Alejandro presented a Five Spice Pan Seared Monkfish dish. Gordon said, “It’s cooked beautifully.” Joe said, “It’s actually palatable.” Morimoto said, “I don’t get it.” All the judges told him he tried to do too much with the dish.
Elyce made a Baja Fish Taco dish with Spicy Aioli and Chips. Gordon said, “There’s rough cuts in the slaw.” Joe said, “I can’t even qualify that as a taco.” Aaron said, “It’s dominating the palate. I enjoyed the seasoning on the fish, but the cumin overpowered it.” Morimoto said, “The chips are great. The fish is undercooked.”
Finally, the judges decided that it was poor Elyce that had to go in this round. So, Elyce Wooten was eliminated in tonight’s June 23, 2021 episode.
The next, new episode of MasterChef season 11 is scheduled to air next Wednesday night, June 30, 2021 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on FOX.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “MasterChef” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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