MasterChef September 1, 2021 Eliminated Michael Newman & Abe Konick (Recap)

Hey, “MasterChef” fans. Tonight, September 1, 2021, another two, new episodes of MasterChef’s current season 11 did indeed air with judges: Gordon Ramsay, Aarón Sanchez, and Joe Bastianich, and another two chefs were eliminated.
The first episode kicked off with the contestants being told that it would be a women vs men team challenge. The judges decided to make Autumn the captain for the ladies’ red team, and Alejandro the captain for the men’s blue team.
The teams cooked for 4, world class chefs: Tanya Holland, Jonathan Yao, Val Cantu and Sherry Yard. The teams had to make an appetizer dish and an entree dish. They were given 45 minutes to make the appetizers, and 45 minutes to make the entrees.
They started with the appetizers. Alejandro, Michael and Abe plotted out what they wanted to make. Autumn, Suu and Kelsey discussed their plans. The women seemed more confused than the guys at this point. Kelsey said, “Autumn needs to step up as a leader.”
Alejandro told Aaron what they’re making. Aaron gave Alejandro some advice. Aaron told Abe that he can help out the others. Autumn told Gordon what they’re making. Gordon said their team seemed fragmented. Then, Kelsey accidentally cut herself! Autumn panicked. Gordon told Autumn, “You need to show your leadership” while they patched up Kelsey’s finger. Kesley stayed calm and kept going despite the injury.
At one point, Aaron said, “I can’t tell if Autumn or Kelsey is leading. Autumn, you need to communicate.” The women ran into trouble with their puree with less than 20 minutes to go.
The guys ran into an issue with Michael’s Puree. Alejandro said it was too salty. The women’s pea puree was a disaster according to Kelsey. Aaron said, “There’s a minute and a half, and nobody knows what they’re doing.”
In the end, they just barley got the appetizers plated. The guys said, that was a disaster. Autumn said she felt really good about their appetizers despite the rough start.
For the appetizers, the women presented: crispy skinned seabass with mint & pea puree, corn sauce, corn salad and snap peas.
The men presented: pan seared scallops with caviar, squid ink tuile, squash puree and micro greens.
Next, the teams went right into making their entrees. Autumn told Gordon what they’re making. Gordon told Suu to season the duck meat with salt. Aaron told the guys they’re working poorly. Abe said, they lost communication at one point. Gordon told Alejandro the meat was raw on the inside with time running out. At the end, Michael said, “I think we could’ve done better.”
For the entrees, the women presented: crispy duck breast with curried parsnip puree, carrots, Romanesco and port wine sauce.
For the women’s entrees and the appetizers, the judges said, “It was a tad overcooked. I enjoyed the fluffy texture of the puree. The duck was cooked pretty well. The sauce was too sweet. It was pretty and more balanced than the men.”
For the entrees , the men presented: filet mignon with peppercorn sauce, cauliflower puree, baby carrots and roasted broccolini.
For the men’s entrees and the appetizers, the judges said,”The steak was cooked really well. The salt level was pretty good. It’s something you’d see in a restaurant. It came up short on the puree. The sauce was too watery.”
After all of that, the judges declared the women’s red team the winners of this challenge. So, they were all safe. After that, the judges revealed that Abe was eliminated, and Michael and Alejandro were safe.
Gordon told Abe, “Individual spirit shines. In this challenge, you showed no confidence, and you were too silent.” Aaron and Gordon invited Abe to visit their restaurants.
In the second episode, they brought on a 4th, guest judge, which is legendary French chef Ludo Lefebvre. After that, the contestants opened up a Mystery Box, which contained clocks that said 75 minutes on them.
They were given two rounds in this challenge. After they completed their first dish, their time stopped. If their first dish won the round, they were safe. If not, they had to cook a second dish with whatever time was left on their clock from cooking the first dish. The winner won a dinner for two at Chef Ludo’s restaurant.
During the challenge, Kelsey told Joe and Aaron that she was making French onion soup. Aaron told her, “Everything has to fire on all cylinders.”
Autumn told Gordon and Ludo she was making a moule frites dish. Alejandro told Ludo and Gordon about his Duck A L’Orange dish. They gave him some advice.
Suu told Joe and Aaron he was making a pork chop dish. Michael told Ludo and Gordon he was making a potato leak soup dish. They gave him some advice.
Autumn completed her first dish with 41:05 left on her clock. Michael had 40:03 left. Kelsey had 38:11 left. Suu had 36:41 left, and Alejandro had 36:00 left.
Autumn presented a moule frites with crispy shoestring potatoes, white wine sauce and fried baguette dish. Gordon said, “It’s delicious. It’s cooked beautifully.” Ludo said, “I want more broth.” Aaron said, “I’m impressed that you got this much flavor in there.” Joe said, “Good job. It’s like it was cooked at a beastro.”
Michael presented a potato leak soup with white asparagus wrapped in prosciutto dish. Gordon said, “It’s gloopy.” Ludo said, “The side dish wasn’t necessary.” Aaron said, “I’m searching for any positive in your dish. I really am.”
Kelsey presented a Classic French onion soup dish. Gordon said, “It’s delicious. Well done.” Joe said, “It’s very flavorable. It’s really good.” Ludo said, “I would put this in my restaurant.”
Suu presented a cote de porc charcutiere with pearl onion tarte tatin and frisee salad dish. Joe said, “The meat is a little undercooked. The tart is spectacular.” Aaron said, “The sauce has a great consistency.” Gordon said, “The tart and sauce are exceptional. Unfortunately, the pork is undercooked.”
Alejandro presented a duck a l’orange with crispy endive and orange sauce supreme dish. Gordon said, “The duck is cooked beautifully. You nailed it.” Ludo said, “The sauce is ok. Not bad.” Aaron said, “I’m very impressed.” Joe said, “Aside from your sauce, this is a perfect dish.”
After all of that, the judges declared that Alejandro had the best dish. So, he was safe. The rest of the contestants had to use the remaining time to cook their second dish.
Autumn said she was making a crème brulée for her second dish. Ludo said, “I’m scared for you.” Gordon said, “It’s the riskiest dish.”
Michael told Aaron and Joe about his chicken dish. Aaron told Michael, “The chicken needs to be tender.” Suu told Gordon about her dish. Gordon told Suu, “Please don’t undercook the salad.”
Autumn told Joe and Aaron about her creme brulee dish. Kelsey told Ludo and Gordon about her dish. They gave her some advice. Kelsey ran into issues with her sauce with less than a minute to go.
In the end, Autumn presented a lavender crème brulée with strawberry compote and strawberry sauce dish. Gordon said, “The texture is spot on, beautiful.” Ludo said, “It’s perfect.” Joe said, “It’s a great dessert.”
Michael presented a chicken fricassee with white wine Dijon sauce, potato puree and roasted carrots dish. Joe said, “The chicken is raw.” Ledo said, “There’s too much salt, but the sauce is great.” Joe said, “We just can’t serve raw chicken, sorry.”
Suu presented a salmon en papillote with beurre blanc, sauce vierge and sautéed asparagus dish. Joe said, “I’m speechless. The salmon is perfectly seasoned. Very good job.” Ledo said, “This is a beautiful French dish.” Gordon said, “It’s very good.”
Kelsey presented a sole meuniere with rice pilaf dish. Aaron said, “It has a lot of defects.” Joe said, “It’s not a beastro dish.” Gordon said, “This is your worst performing dish.”
After that, the judges declared Suu as the winner of this round. So, she was safe. They also said Autumn was safe.
Kelsey and Michael landed in the bottom two, and they eliminated Michael. Gordon told Michael, “The undercooked chicken is the main reason you’re going home.”
Michael said, “This has been a ride of a lifetime. I learned so much. All I can do is grow from it. It was an experience of a lifetime.” So, Michael Newman and Abe Konick got eliminated in tonight’s episodes.
The next, new episode of MasterChef season 11 is scheduled to air next Wednesday night, September 8, 2021 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on FOX.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “MasterChef” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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