Big Brother 23 Spoilers: July 9, 2021 Eviction Nominees Revealed

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. Earlier today, July 9, 2021, the first eviction nomination ceremony of this new season 23 of Big Brother did indeed take place ,and two nominees for eviction were revealed. So, we’re going to let you know exactly who they are.
As we previously reported, Frenchie became the first HOH (Head Of Household) of this season when his Jokers team won the HOH comp during the LIVE premiere episode this past Wednesday night, July 7, 2021. Frenchie and his team which consist of: Azah, Britini and Derek F are all safe from getting nominated for eviction this week as part of this whole team twist that’s going on.
So, that only left 12 other people that Frenchie could nominate for eviction. According to the folks over at Big Brother Network, Frenchie ended up nominating Alyssa and Kyland for eviction today after running through a series of different scenarios these past two days.
Frenchie has changed his mind a million times so far. At one point during this week, he promised not to nominate any women or minorities during his HOH. Well, he went back on both of those promises with his nominations of Alyssa and Kyland today.
There was another time where Frenchie had some other targets in mind. Then he changed his mind about those after talking to Travis last night. Frenchie also rambled on about how he was playing some sort of mind game with the cast by giving them bits and pieces of information, but not the full story in an effort to see if they would tell anyone and it would get back to him. Whatever he was talking about was very confusing. He’s just all over the place.
After the nomination ceremony today, Alyssa was seen telling Sarah, Xavier and Christian, “There isn’t a back door plan because I would have been warned.”
Frenchie told Kyland, “I put you on the block because I feel like this POV is going to have a big reward attached to it. I don’t have any bad intentions when it comes to you. I promise to use the POV on you if I win it.
Christian is going around starting a huge alliance, and he doesn’t think that I know about it. Christian and Travis are really close, and Christian is the target for a lot of people for next week. If I can’t send Travis home as a backdoor option, getting Alyssa out is just as good. You’re a 100 percent a pawn.”
At one point, Alyssa went to talk to Frenchie about why she’s on the block. Frenchie told Alyssa, “You’re bait for a bigger fish. I want to see who comes to save you.”
Shortly after that, Alyssa told Christian that four people told Frenchie that she and Christian were coming after him, and that’s why she’s nominated.
At around 2:42 pm Pacific time today, Alyssa told Frenchie, “You based your nominations on a lie, and I wish that I had a chance to say my peace before you did it.”
At around 2:53 pm, Frenchie attempted to explain to Alyssa and Christian why he made his nominations. Afterwards, Alyssa told Frenchie, “As a fan of the show, what you’re saying makes sense.”
So, it currently appears that Alyssa is Frenchie’s main target to weaken Christian’s team. However, a backdoor play could be in the works if Frenchie decides to change his mind again, and that’s a very real possibility.
The next big event for this week is the POV (Power Of Veto) competition. It’s expected to take place tomorrow, July 10, 2021 at some point. So, we’ll be back on here to report on the results of it.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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