Survivor September 22, 2021 Voted Off Sara Wilson & Eric Abraham (Recap)

Hey, “Survivor” fans. Tonight, September 22, 2021, the huge, 2-hour premiere episode of Survivor season 41 did indeed air, and two unlucky contestants were sent packing.
Tonight’s premiere episode 1 kicked off with an introduction of the new castmembers. From there, it was revealed that the contestants were split up into three tribes: Luvu, Yase and Ua. Host Jeff Probst revealed to the cast that this is a much shorter season with just 26 days instead of the usual 39 days. He also revealed that this season will have a much faster pace.
After all of that, they got right down to business with the first competition of this season. During it, the 3 tribes had to dive into water, collect six paddles to paddle a boat and get flint. The winning tribe got flint, a machete and a pot for supplies. The losers got nothing. The Ua tribe won.
The Ua tribe used their supplies to immediately start chopping wood for shelter and to start a fire. Next, the Yase and Luvu tribes were presented with a challenge they could complete in order to earn some supplies.
They were able to pick either the Savvy or Sweat challenge. If they picked a challenge and didn’t complete it, they faced a penalty. Both tribes ended up selecting the Sweat challenge. They had 4 hours to complete it. The sweat challenge involved them just collecting a ton of water and filling some buckets. All the tribes successfully completed the Sweat challenge.
Danny told the private cams, “Me and Deshawn are an alliance.” They also went looking for an immunity idle. Naseer noticed it and got upset. So, he went and told the rest of the Luvu tribe. Erika said that is definitely a red flag.
Liana told the private cams, “Evvie is my number one right now.” Eric Abraham suggested to Liana that Tiffany should go first for messing up in the first challenge. Liana went and told Tiffany that Abraham said she needed to go. So, Tiffany was obviously ticked off about that.
A couple of the Ua tribemembers were concerned about JD. They thought maybe he needed to go first, especially Ricard. Shantel was seen making a deal with JD to watch each other’s backs.
Danny said, Naseer needs to go for suggesting that Danny and DeShawn need to go.
Next, all 3 tribes were told that one person from their tribe needed to take a boat ride to a mystery location. Danny went for the Luvu tribe. Xander was chosen by his Yase tribe to go. JD went for the Ua tribe.
Jd, Xander and Danny met up after the boat ride. From there, they had to walk up a mountain area. Then, they were told to separate and walk back down the mountain. When they did that, they were given the opportunity to select an advantage.
Their choices were to protect their vote or risk their vote. If all three of them chose to protect their vote, nothing changed. If all three them chose to risk their vote, they all lost a vote at their next tribal council meeting. If there was a split decision, nothing happened to the person that chose to protect their vote, but those who risked their vote got an extra vote.
Danny chose to protect his vote. Xander risked his vote. JD chose to risk his vote, but he told his tribemembers that he protected his vote.
Danny, Xander and JD all told their tribemembers what really happened with the exception of JD lying about protecting his vote, but Ricard on JD’s tribe told the private cams, “I don’t believe JD. So, we need to get rid of JD.”
Next up, was the immunity challenge footage. Host Jeff Probst told them a new twist was being introduced in regards to the Tribal Council meetings. Everyone got a Shot In The Dark Die, which was basically a rock or something.
Anyways, it allowed them to draw for a 1 and 6 chance at safety at the tribal council if they thought they were not safe. This would all happen in private at the voting booth. Jeff also told them that only one tribe could win safety at this immunity challenge.
During this immunity challenge, the three tribes had to make it through an obstacle course and collect bags of puzzle pieces. Then, they had to pull the puzzle pieces up two levels of walls. From there, two people worked on using the puzzle pieces to complete a puzzle.
When it was all played and done, the Luvu tribe won the challenge for immunity. That means the Ua and Yase tribes had to figure out who to vote off at tribal council. They also had to give up their flint to Jeff Probst.
At the Yase tribe camp, Liana told the private cams, “I want to vote out Abraham.” Abraham suggested Tiffany go because she’s the weakest. Evvie told the private cams she wanted Abraham out. Tiffany went searching for an immunity idol at one point, but she never found it are far as we know.
At the Ua tribe camp, Ricard told the private cams, “JD should go.” He also campaigned hard to vote out JD. Brad suggested that Sara or Shantel needed to go right to their faces! Brad told JD about them campaigning for him to go. Brad suggested to JD that they need to vote out Sara. JD agreed.
At the Yase Tribal council meeting, They talked game. Tiffany called out Abraham for saying a lot of words that don’t really mean much.
During the voting, it was revealed that Xander won an extra vote from that boat trip he took. Next, Jeff revealed that Tiffany got 1 vote, and Abraham got 4 votes. So, with 4 votes, Abraham was voted off the Island. He said, “I did not see that blindside hit me. I did not see that coming. Enjoy the ride.”
At Ua Tribal council meeting, Sara and Shantel started whispering, “I’m so scared” to each other. Ricard joined in on their conversation and started talking. Sara and Ricard whispered to JD to vote out Brad. Shantel also whispered something to JD. Everybody was nervous. So, they all pulled out their Shot In The Dark Die to possibly use it for a shot at safety. During the voting, it was revealed that JD won an extra vote from his boat trip.
Finally, Jeff revealed that Ricard received 1 vote. Sara got 3 votes, and Brad got 1 vote. So, with 3 votes, Sara was voted off the island. She said, “Bye. Good luck.”
How do you guys feel about Sara Wilson and Eric Abraham getting voted off of Survivor season 41 in tonight’s September 22, 2021 premiere episode 1? Let us know in the comments section.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Survivor” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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