Survivor December 7, 2022 Voted Off Cody Assenmacher (Recap)

Survivor December 7, 2022 Voted Off Cody Assenmacher (Recap)

Hey, “Survivor” fans. Tonight, December 7, 2022, another new episode of Survivor’s current season 43 did indeed arrive, and we saw another unlucky contestant get voted off the island with some major blindside action.

Tonight’s episode kicked off with Owen talking to the private cams about them voting out Sami at the last tribal council meeting. Owen revealed that Karla flipped her vote to Sami when he decided to play his shot in the dark, and he wants to get her out next. Cassidy got wind that Karla was trying to target her before the last tribal council meeting, and she told the private cams, “If Karla was targeting me, I will be super pissed.”

Cassidy confronted Karla about it, and Karla lied to her saying, “I never said your name, Cass. Never.” Then, Karla started fake crying to make her lie to Cassidy seem more convincing. However, later on, Jesse told Cassidy that Karla was fake crying. Cassidy told Jesse of Karla, “I can’t believe she did that. I can’t wait to get her out.” Cassidy told the private cams, “Karla, I’m coming for you.”

After all that drama, host Jeff Probst showed up with a new Reward Challenge. During it, the remaining contestants were split into two teams of three. Two members were blindfolded and had to push one member who wasn’t blindfolded in a large sphere to a maze table.

The one member in the sphere had to direct the two blindfolded members in which way to go. Once they got to the maze table, the one member had to keep directing the two blindfolded members in maneuvering a ball into a hole on the maze table for the win. The blue team of Owen, Karla and Cody won it. The team of: Gabler, Cassidy and Jesse were the losers.

For the reward, Owen, Karla and Cody got to enjoy being taken to the sanctuary to get ice coffee and pastries. They, of course, talked about game while there. Karla lied to Cody and Owen by swearing to them that she doesn’t have a hidden immunity idol in an effort to try and get the target off her back. In private, Owen and Cody talked about getting Karla or Cassidy out. Owen told the private cams, “I want to get Karla out. Karla has to go.”

Meanwhile, Gabler, Cassidy and Jesse talked game among each other. Gabler told the private cams he’s targeting Cody and Kara, and he campaigned that idea to Cassidy and Jesse. During this conversation, Cassidy confirmed with Jesse and Gabler that Karla definitely does have a hidden immunity idol.

Gabler eventually relayed that info to Cody. Since Karla had just got done lying to Cody and Owen about not having an immunity idol, Cody told the private cams he’s not pleased with Karla saying, “She’s lied to me multiple times.”

Next, we saw more of Jeff Probst when he delivered up the next immunity challenge. During this one, the contestants had to race through a series of obstacles and collect color tiles with numbers. Then, they had to use them to solve a combination and get a key. After that, they had to race up a cargo net to solve a puzzle for the win. Cassidy won immunity by just edging out Cody by mere seconds!

From there, Cody and Karla told each other that they both have immunity idols and seemingly decided to work together to get rid of either Gabler or Owen. However, Cody told Owen, he really wants to get Karla out. Cody told the private cams, “I’m lying to Karla so I can blindside the hell out of her.”

Elsewhere, Jesse had plans of his own. He told the private cams that Cody’s resume is looking better than his, especially if his plan to get Karla out works. So, Jesse started campaigning to get Cody out! He told Owen, “I’m the one who really has the immunity idol, not Cody.” From there, Jesse convinced Owen and the others to actually flip the vote to get Cody out. However, there was one other twist that happened just before the tribal council meeting.

In order to keep his cover, Jesse had to temporarily give Cody the immunity Idol because Cody was trying to convince Karla that he really had an idol. Cody promised to give it right back, but they were running out of time. So, Jesse was seen telling everyone that Cody does currently have the idol temporarily. All of this seemingly put Jesse’s plan to blindside Cody in jeopardy, heading into the tribal council meeting or at least that’s the way the edit made it seem.

At the tribal council meeting, they pretty much just did some general game talk. Cody said that he was 95 percent sure he’s safe. Then, they casts their votes. Before the votes were read, it was revealed that Jesse did indeed get the idol back from Cody in time because Jesse totally played it to save Owen. Then, Karla played her idol to save herself. Any votes for Karla and Owen did not count.

Karla got 1 vote. Owen got 1 vote, and Cody received a whopping 3 votes. So, with the 3 votes, Cody was voted off with a heavy blindside. Cody said to Jesse, “Wow, really bro?” Eventually, Cody did shake everyone’s hand and gave them a hug on the way out. So, he was a good sport about it.

Cody told the private cams, “My heart is crushed. My main man Jesse backstabbed me. I can’t fault him. I should’ve known better.” How do you guys feel about Cody Assenmacher getting voted off Survivor season 43 in tonight’s December 7, 2022 episode? Let us know in the comments section.

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “Survivor” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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