Survivor September 28, 2022 Voted Off Justine Brennan (Recap)

Survivor September 28, 2022 Voted Off Justine Brennan (Recap)

Hey, “Survivor” fans. Tonight, September 28, 2022 another new episode of Survivor season 43 did hit the air, and another unlucky contestant got voted off at the end.

Tonight’s episode kicked off with the Baka tribe talking about their last tribal council meeting when they voted Morriah off. Owen expressed a lot of appreciation for them not sending him home over her.

Owen told the private cams that Mike Gabler is not be best for their tribe because he’s always so worn out. Over at the Vesi tribe, Dwight told the private cams he really thinks he can trust Jesse. However, he doesn’t really like Cody on a game level, saying he doesn’t ever talk much game. He doesn’t trust Cody.

Jesse told the private cams, “I connect with everyone on my tribe except for Justine.” Over at the Coco tribe, Karla mentioned to the private cams that she, Cassidy and Lindsey are in a 3-person alliance, and they’re trying to reel in James to join them. Geo told Ryan he thinks they could be a good duo.

At the Baka tribe, Jeanine and Eli talked about whether to bring in Owen or Sami into their alliance. Meanwhile, Sami told Owen and Gabler that they need to stick together. Sami told the private cams, “We would be stupid to lose to the girls.”

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After all of that, host Jeff Probst showed up with the new Immunity challenge, which also doubled as a Reward challenge. During this challenge, the tribes had to swim out to a cage, climb up and over into the cage, drag a 400 pound, fake snake out of it from over the top of the cage. Then, they had to swim the giant snake back to shore, drag it under a barrier and put it on a table.

From there, they had to untie the snake to retrieve 6 number tiles from it. Then, they had to use the tiles to solve a combination lock to get puzzle pieces. Finally, they had to use the puzzle pieces to solve a large puzzle for the completion. The Baka ended up finishing it first. The Coco tribe came in second. So, the Vesi tribe lost and had to figure out who to send home at the next tribal council meeting.

In regards to the reward, the Baka tribe won a complete survivor fishing kit,and the Coco tribe won a smaller fishing kit for their second place finish. Also, Karla and Noelle volunteered to sit out of this challenge.

Next, we got more conversation footage with the losing Vesi tribe. Noelle told the private cams, “Nneka’s gotta go.” Cody said he didn’t want to let Nneka go, claiming she’s apart of his alliance. Noelle told the private cams, “Voting out Nneka is the best way to keep the tribe strong.”

Elsewhere, at the Baka tribe, Jeanine and Elie were seen digging through Gabler’s bag to find out if his immunity idol was good for the first 2 tribal councils or only the first two tribal councils that he’s actually in. They did find his clue and confirmed that it was good for the first two tribal council meetings that he’s actually in.

Back at the Vesi camp, Cody’s name came up as a target. Jesse told the private cams, “Voting out Justine is the right move, but I want to be on the same page as Dwight.” So, Jesse pitched voting off Justine to Dwight, and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to do it.

Cody went searching for a hidden immunity idol, and he found an advantage. It turned out to be an immunity idol bracelet. However, he had to complete a task for it to be activated. The task was to persuade everyone in his tribe to give him 2 of their beads. If he failed to complete the task, he lost his vote at tribal council. If he completed it, his idol would get activated.

Cody panicked about possibly losing his very important vote. So, he ran and talked to Jesse about it. Jesse told him that they just need to work to try and collect the two beads from everyone. Cody ended up feeding them a fake story about trying to string a special necklace together, and most of them bought it. However, they ran into issues getting two beads from Noelle because she said she wanted to keep hers for a bracelet.

Next, we got the Vesi tribal council meeting footage. During it, Justine said she thinks she’s definitely a target. Other than that, they just engaged in general game talk about who’s possibly in an alliance and so on and so forth. Then, they casts their votes. During this moment, they showed a flashback moment, which revealed that Cody was indeed able to get 2 beads from Noelle at the very last minute to keep his vote and activate his immunity idol.

The vote count revealed that Justine received 3 votes, Cody 1 vote and Nneka 1 vote. So, with the 3 votes, poor Justine was voted off the island. She was a good sport, telling everyone, “Good luck, guys” on the way out.

Justine told the private cams, “I got completely hoodwinked by Jesse. I’m still rooting for Vesi. I’m so lucky to be on the show. So, I’m walking away with a smile on my face.” How do you guys feel about Justine Brennan’s exit in this episode? Let us know in the comments section.

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “Survivor” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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