‘Survivor’ March 25, 2020 Voted Off Yul Kwon. Sandra Quit Edge Of Extinction (Recap)

Hey, “Survivor” fans. Tonight, March 25, 2020, another brand new episode of Survivor season 40: “Winners At War” did indeed hit the airwaves,and another unlucky former winner totally got blindsided in the end.
Tonight’s episode kicked off with footage of the lovely Parvati showing up at “Edge Of Extinction” after her exit at the last tribal council. Then Sandra followed suite because she was voted off as well.
Parvati expressed much disappointment for not at least making it to the merge. She also told the private cams, “I’m so happy to see that Sandra got voted out.”
Eventually,Sandra told the group how she gave Denise all that power to get rid of her. Rob and Parvati definitely question Sandra why she did that. Sandra said, “I played to much with my emotions. I had a soft spot for Denise. I’m still human.”
Shortly after that, Sandra decided to leave “Edge Of Extinction.” She told the private cams, “I have no interest in staying here on Edge of Extinction. Everyone knows I’m not good at challenges. I got voted out. So, it’s time for me to go. At the end of the day, I’m the queen, and I’ll always stay the queen.”
Back at the Sele tribe, Yul complained about how Wendell handled Parvati at the last tribal council, offering her deals for fire tokens. So, Yul talked to Wendell about it.
Wendell told Yul, “I respect players who are upfront with me” or something like that. I’m sure much more was said, but it was highly edited.
Whatever the case, Yul didn’t walk away from that conversation with a lot of confidence in Wendell. Yul told the private cams of Wendell, “I’ve just got to watch him.”
Right after that, Wendell apologized to Michele saying, “I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable at tribal council.” Then Wendell complained to the private cams about people trying tell him how to play his game, and he said, “If you try to tell me how to play my game, I might turn around and bite you.” Ha! I thought that was pretty funny.
Yul was seen telling Michele he had concerns about Wendell saying, “He told me something different than he told you.”
At this particular point, Michele told the private cams, “I don’t want to move forward with Wendell.”
Next, we got more “Edge Of Extinction” footage. Ethan and Parvati had a good talk about how he’s holding up and his health. He said he thinks this experience will be good for his body.
Shortly after that, they got another clue, which were individual scrolls. The notes they got told them, “4 fire tokens are scattered on top of the mountain. There’s no limit to how many fire tokens a player can find.”
After reading that, they immediately went running to the top of the mountain to hunt down those fire tokens.
Tyson was immediately seen finding a fire token first. Later, Rob told the private cams he found the other 3 tokens, but he didn’t tell anyone. So, everyone thought there were still 3 fire tokens out there somewhere. Rob told the private cams,”I’m batting 750% for this challenge.”
At the Dakal tribe, Tony told the private cams, “Denise made herself a big target by taking out Sandra at the last tribal council. So, that was good for me.”
However, Jeremy told the private cams, “Tony is actually more of a threat than Denise.” Kim told the private cams, “I feel good with Jeremy and Denise. I would rather go with them over Tony.”
Kim told Denise, “I feel awesome with you and Jeremy.” Denise reciprocated those feelings by telling Kim, “It just feels right with you and Jeremy.”
At the Yara tribe, Ben went searching for an immunity idol, but Adam was convinced that Sarah already had it. Sophie really had the idol, but she lied and told Adam she doesn’t have it.
Sarah knew that Sophie had the idol. Adam felt really strongly that Sarah, Ben and Sophie were all lying to him about the idol, and he was right.
Next, host Jeff Probst showed up with the new immunity challenge. In it, the three tribes had to run and get a large and heavy saucer. Then they had to carry it back and fill it with water. From there , they had to take it back to a well and dump the water in it until they had enough water to make a bag of puzzle pieces drop.
If they didn’t have enough water, they had to carry that heavy saucer all the way back to get more water.
When they had enough water to get the bag of puzzle pieces to drop, they had to assemble another puzzle for the win. The first two tribes to finish, won immunity.
The Yara tribe finished first because they made sure not to drop any water on their first trip with that heavy saucer. The other two tribes had to take two trips. The Dakal tribe finished second.
The Sele tribe of Nick, Wendell, Michele and Yul finished last. The first two tribes claimed immunity. So, the Sele tribe had to figure out who to send home next.
At this point, Yul definitely wasn’t high on Wendell, telling the private cams, “He’s dug his own grave by showboating during the immunity challenge.”
Nick told the private cams, “I’m frustrated with Wendell. He showboated during the challenge and cost us the win. Nick told Yul, “We shouldn’t even be in this position. It’s because of Wendell that we are.”
Yul agreed and told Nick, “We’re going to vote out Wendell, but tell him we’re voting out Michele.” Nick agreed with that plan in that moment.
However, Wendell was on to Yul, and he asked Michele to vote out Yul. He also wanted to get Nick on his side.
Michele told Yul, “I want to vote out Wendell, but I regret giving him a fire token because he could use it to come back.”
This is when Yul started to overplay. He told Michele, “I think there’s a way we can vote out Wendell and get his fire token from him.” It was some really sophisticated and risky plan that scared Michele and Nick when he ran it by them.
Nick told the private cams, “Yul’s plan to get Wendell’s fire token seems very dark. I think it might be dangerous to work with Yul.” Nick went and talked to Michele about it, and she also agreed that it might be too dangerous to go further with Yul. So, they started talking about possibly keeping Wendell after all.
Michele told Nick,”I will follow you and what you want to do.” In the same vein, Michele told the private cams, “I would love to get some revenge on Wendell” heading in to the tribal council meeting.
At the tribal council meeting, Yul said, “I had to already lie more this time than I had to the entire time on Cook Islands. It’s a very different game now.”
Michelle said, “Wendell clearly only cares for himself.” Then Wendell tried to tell Michele,”I do care for you and your future.” It didn’t look like she bought it though.
Finally, they voted. Wendell got 1 vote, and Yul got 3 votes. So, with a whopping 3 votes, Yul was voted off and heavily blindsided. He said, “Wow, good one guys.” Yul ended up giving his fire token to Sophie on his way out to “Edge Of Extinction.”
Wendell was so very thankful telling Michele and Nick, “Thanks guys.” Michele said, “It was nice to see you shaking in your boots.”
How do you guys feel about Yul Kwon getting voted out of tonight’s March 25, 2020 episode of Survivor season 40? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
I think if Yul had not overplayed with the whole plan to get Wendell’s fire token, Michele and Nick wouldn’t have been scared off.
Anyways, the next, new episode of Survivor season 40 is scheduled to air next Wednesday night, April 1, 2020 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS. In the next week’s episode, they will finally do the merge!
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Survivor” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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I think there is an error. You wrote:
“ Finally, they voted. Wendell got 1 vote, and Yul got 3 votes. So, with a whopping 3 votes, Wendell was voted off and heavily blindsided. He said, “Wow, good one guys.” Yul ended up giving his fire token to Sophie on his way out to “Edge Of Extinction.”
Wendell was so very thankful telling Michele and Nick, “Thanks guys.” Michele said, “It was nice to see you shaking in your boots.”
So, Yul got voted off, NOT Wendell……..
If Michelle voted for Wendell, HOW is Yul’s name written 3x?????
Michele didn’t vote for Wendell. Yul voted for Wendell.
It was a typo. It’s been corrected.