New The Good Doctor Season 5 Spoilers For October 11, 2021 Episode 3 Revealed

New The Good Doctor Season 5 Spoilers For October 11, 2021 Episode 3 Revealed

Hey, “The Good Doctor” fans. We totally hope you are enjoying the new season 5 so far. Now that the most recent episode 2 is officially aired and in the can, we are back on here to tell you what the next, new episode 2 will have in store for you guys when it makes its way to the air next Monday night, October 11, 2021.

We were able to track down 2 ,new official spoiler scoops for the new episode 3 via ABC’s official episode 3 press release. So, we’re going to pull those up right now to see what they have to say.

To start, ABC’s new episode 3 press release let us know that this new episode 3 of The Good Doctor’s current season 5 is officially titled, “Measure of Intelligence.”

It sounds like episode 5 will feature some very intense, dramatic, interesting and possible emotional scenes as Shaun confronts Salen Morrison about all her new changes to the hospital. Aaron Glassman gets forced into accepting his new role and more.

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the Shaun and Salen situation. It turns out that Shaun will make his voice be heard to Salen in this episode as he will end up pulling her aside to confront her about all the changes she’s unleashed on St. Bonaventure!

ABC’s official description for this Shaun and Salen confrontation reads like this, “Shaun confronts Salen (Rachel Bay Jones) about the many changes she has implemented since coming on at St. Bonaventure.”

The second and last spoiler scoop for this new episode 3 reveals that Aaron Glassman will appear in this episode at some point. When we see him, he’ll be busy trying to get used to a new role he’s been given at the hospital because he will apparently have no other choice.

ABC’s description for this Aaron Glassman plotline reads like this, “Glassman is forced to accept his new role at the hospital.”

Episode 3 will feature one guest star. That one person is: Rachel Bay Jones as character Salen Morrison.

Episode 3 was written by Adam Scott Weissman and Thomas L. Moran, and it was directed by Anne Renton.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “The Good Doctor” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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Megan Jones
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